Documents | Seafish

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We found 200 results for "issue 24 oil gas" in Documents
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    Understanding and responding to climate change in UK seafood (wild capture) - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on domestic and international production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    National Standard of the People’s Republic of China: Code on Quality and Safety Control of Fishery Products for Export

    National Standard GB/Z21702—2008 Normative Reference 3. Terms Definitions 4. General Principles 5. Raw Materials and Ingredients 5.1 Farmed fish 6 Processing Enterprises 7 Personnel 7.1 Personal hygiene and health 7.2 Training 8 Production 8.1 Contamination prevention 8.2 Cleaning and disinfection 8.3 Premises, facilities, equipments and utensils 8.4 Insect and rodent control 8.5 Control of water, ice and steam 8.6 Poisonous and hazardous substances control 8.7 Temperature and time control 8.8 Handling 8.9 Metallic foreign material control 8.10 Waste management 9. Packing, storage and transportation 10 Inspection and quality control 11 Product traceability and recalls 12 Code of hygienic practice for processing of major exports of fishery products
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    Understanding and responding to a changing climate in the UK seafood industry: Climate change risk adaptation for wild capture seafood - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic and international wild capture seafood. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to markets, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    2008 Survey of the UK Seafood Processing Industry

    This report provides an overview of the UK seafood processing industry. The report describes the industry structure, employment and characteristics, the supply and sales situation along with issues such as business management and the environment. The report also provides an analysis of the financial performance of the processing industry. This report is the latest in a series of reports undertaken every four years by Seafish.
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    Analysis of the training needs of the Northern Ireland seafood industry

    By Tegen Mor Fisheries Consultants
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    Ussing Socio-Economic information in European Marine Site management: UK Shellfisheries

    There is a general governmental commitment in the UK to prioritising social and economic aspects of fisheries within policy-making relating to the marine environment. This is embodied by various recent strategy documents, such as Net Benefits, Safeguarding Our Seas and A Sea Change: the Marine Bill. The UK government has variously proposed the ecosystem approach, integrated coastal zone management, regional and social policy, the development of social and economic objectives, data provision, impact assessments, stakeholder involvement, and ‘marine conservation zones’ as means of addressing the socio-economic deficit in inshore fisheries management.
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    Seafish Delivery Report 2015-16

    Delivery Report for 2015-16
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    Profitable Futures for Fishing First Interim Report

    This report is intended to give a preliminary overview of the first three consultation events held for scallops, nephrops and demersal sectors of the fleet for inclusion. Which was then considered together during the final analysis and evaluation phase of the project and the outcomes of that which were included in the final report.
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    Utilising discards not destined for human consumption in bulk uses

    Further to the Defra ‘Fishing for the Markets’ initiative, this study explores whether discards not destined for human consumption can be utilised by commercial outlets in the UK. The availability of commercial outlets for discards not used in the human food chain is a key factor in the development and success of a potential utilisation programme in the event of a total discard ban. The report provides an overview of the potential quantities of discards potentially available under a discard ban, options available for the bulk use of discards, their availability to the catching sector and associated issues. The project was funded by Defra, commissioned by Seafish and undertaken by Cefas.
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic and international aquaculture production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2017-2018

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2017/18 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    Literature Review of the effects of underwater sound vibration and electromagnetic fields on crustaceans

    This report reviews the impacts of underwater noise, vibration, and electro-magnetic fields generated by marine renewable energy devices on the behaviour, development and physiology of UK commercial crustacean species.