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We found 223 results for "2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report" in Documents
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    Final CLG minutes for 11 November 2015 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 11 November 2015.
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – July 2017

    Proposed Acrylamide Regulation; Code of Practice for Smoked Fish; Mercury; Regulating our Future; Results of Authenticity Surveys; Expert Group on Food Hygiene and Control of Food of Animal Origin; Primary Authority; Brexit; Workshop on Brexit at the PECH Committee; Markets Advisory Council; Fish Labelling and Traceability; Scottish Landings Target; Shellfish Review Consultations; Codex; Histamine; Regulatory Strategy; Importers Forum; Trade Facilitation Expert Panel; Thurd Countries Authorised to Export; Animal By Products; ID Marking Questionnaire; Anisakis
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    Russia Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood industry in Russia.
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    the Market Potential for Marine Finfish Species from British and Irish Aquaculture

    Aquaculture is already playing a major part in supplying seafood into the European market - some 420,000 tonnes per annum out of a fleet landing total of c.6,700,000 tonnes, or 6-7% of the total by weight. If all the member states of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers are included, the tonnage rises to some 1,000,000 tonnes per annum, with a total value of £1,984 million in 1999 - compared, for example, with a combined total first sale value of fisheries landings of some $452 million in the UK and Ireland.
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    Assessment of the benefits of MSC Certification to a major UK fishery and its supply chain

    his study has been undertaken by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd for the Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG) and was completed from January to April 2014. The aim of this work is to inform decision making processes on Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, including whether fisheries should enter the MSC certification process in the first place or if currently certified fisheries should seek re-assessment (after the 5 year period of MSC certification). This report presents the findings from the first year of a study to provide an assessment of the benefits of fishery accreditation, using the MSC certified North Sea (NS) haddock fishery as a detailed case study to determine current benefits and to track benefits for the next two consecutive years (in subsequent follow-up research). The objective of the project is to identify and assess the benefits of Scottish MSC haddock certification in branded MSC and non-labelled segments of the retail and foodservice supply chains. Furthermore, indirect benefits will be explored throughout the supply chain and with other stakeholders in the seafood industry
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    Economics of the Fishing Fleet 2022

    This report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2022 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Legal obligations for employers

    Guide 5 includes general information on your wider legal responsibilities as a seafood business employing migrant workers. These duties are in addition to your sponsorship responsibilities. Guide 5 of 5.
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    Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group 12 May 2015

    Seafish Corporate Plan 2015 - 2018; Expert Group Review – Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO); Official Controls Review – hygiene charges update; Fisheries Control – traceability; Labelling – Declaration of gross weight and date of freezing – stakeholder meeting; Better Regulation Delivery Office Food Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel reports; Imports
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    Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2005-14

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2005-14. Tables are supplemented by graphs and economic analysis provided by the Seafish economics team.