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We found 223 results for "2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report" in Documents
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 March 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Tuesday 22 March 2016.
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    Seafish briefing on labour issues in Thailand's warm water prawn supply chain. December 2014.

    The Thai government has long faced criticism for its failure to curb labour and human rights abuses occurring in the country, however attention came to a head in June 2014 with the publication of a series of articles and videos in the Guardian newspaper containing allegations of human trafficking and slave labour in the Thai seafood industry. At the same time the US State Department downgraded Thailand to a Tier 3 ranking on its 2014 Trafficking in Persons report. Tier 3 status indicates insufficient improvement of ongoing human trafficking problems in a number of Thailand’s industries, including its seafood industry. The TIP Report highlights the existence of forced labour, human trafficking, and other abuses on Thai vessels that harvest wild fish for Thai shrimp feed, and the Guardian articles have connected those supply chains to leading producers and retailers. The UK seafood industry is taking this issue very seriously and there are moves to ensure that each link in the supply chain is not implicated in any form of labour abuse. Whilst there is a fundamental need to improve the situation this document highlights the positive movement for change that is underway.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 23/06/2017 – 30/06/2017

    Brexit negotiations kick off European Parliament reactions; Terms of Reference for the Article 50 TEU negotiations; Decision on the procedure for relocation of EU agencies currently located in the UK; Public consultation on the implementation of the Atlantic action plan; Summary of the Standing Committee on plants, animals, food and feed 17 May; Reshaping aquaculture with healthier, cleaner ocean farms; Brexit: how does the Article 50 process work?; Brexit Fisheries Discussion highlights importance of unity at EU level; Future of fisheries post-Brexit; UK Brexit business advisory group; EFTA countries discussed about Brexit
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 23 March 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 23 March 2015.
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    Literature Review of the effects of underwater sound vibration and electromagnetic fields on crustaceans

    This report reviews the impacts of underwater noise, vibration, and electro-magnetic fields generated by marine renewable energy devices on the behaviour, development and physiology of UK commercial crustacean species.
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    Final CLG minutes for 2 March 2017 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 2 March 2017.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 18 July 2017

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 18 July 2017.
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    Final CLG minutes for 6 November 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 6 November 2013.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 9

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. This edition of Quay Issues shines a light on the way in which some businesses are rising to the challenges that the sector faces.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 1

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Use of discards in bait

    Further to the Defra ‘Fishing for the Markets’ initiative, this study explores whether discards from English vessels not destined for human consumption can be utilised in bait in England. Analysis of current discards from the English fleet and the pot bait needs of those targeting crab and lobster showed that the bait market could potentially utilise all discards in England. Commercial sea trials tested the effectiveness of a range of discards species as bait. These identified that virtually all species currently discarded by English fishing vessels could be used as effective pot bait for crabbers. But this was not the case for lobster catches where the sea trials showed a negative impact on the catch rate compared to traditional bait. The study concludes that the use of discards as pot bait will predominantly depend on the cost as they will be competing on price with a range of existing cost-effective baits already used by the potting sector.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015.