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We found 234 results for "issue 09 cable email" in Documents
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    Best Practice Guidance for Fishing Industry Financial and Economic Impact Assessments

    Guidelines based on outputs from a technical workshop organised by the UK Fisheries Economics Network.
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    Bio-fuels for the fishing industry_Camborne School of Mines Report

    This report details work carried out to investigate the performance of biofuels in marine diesel engines, relative to the use of fossil petrodiesel. The scope of work ultimately included: 1) The installation of a dynamometer test facility, equipped to run diagnostic and simulated operational duty cycles on marine diesel engines.
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    Aquaculture Opportunities for Enclosed Marine Water Bodies – Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Case Study

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    Fishermen's Environmental Monitoring Pilot - Exploring the Role of Fishermen in MPA and Environmental Monitoring

    The evidence and data requirements for the designation and subsequent monitoring of MPAs place significant logistical and economic burden for official bodies. This report demonstrates how the fishing industry can play an integral role in marine monitoring and evidence collection using underwater video surveys as a model. Collaborative surveys are shown to have mutual benefits in terms of cost and efficiency savings, knowledge transfer and relationship building.
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    Seafood-waste disposal at sea – a scientific review

    Due to the recent tightening of regulations surrounding the disposal of seafood processing waste to landfill, fish and shellfish processors are now facing a rise in the cost and difficulty of waste disposal. This is of particular concern in remote areas where alternative uses (e.g. fishmeal) are neither accessible nor economically viable and therefore, cost effective and environmentally-sound solutions to the disposal of this waste need to be found. This report examines the potential for disposal at sea, together with the likely impacts and advice on the selection of appropriate sites for disposal.
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