Documents | Seafish

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We found 270 results for "issue 15 cables new" in Documents
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic and international aquaculture production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    Bio-fuels for the fishing industry_Camborne School of Mines Report

    This report details work carried out to investigate the performance of biofuels in marine diesel engines, relative to the use of fossil petrodiesel. The scope of work ultimately included: 1) The installation of a dynamometer test facility, equipped to run diagnostic and simulated operational duty cycles on marine diesel engines.
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    Effects of electrofishing for Ensis spp. on benthic macrofauna, epifauna and fish species. SR652

    This report summarises the results of experimental work carried out as part of “Design and Trials of Electrofishing System for Razorclams – FIFG 57437 and Seafish IPF funding project C85”. The aim of the project was to design and trial methods of harvesting Ensis spp. using electrical stimulus with the intention of providing a more environmentally benign alternative to existing hydraulic and toothed dredges. The results of this study demonstrate that the effects of electrofishing gear employing relatively low DC voltage and amperage can be effectively used in the harvest of Ensis spp. without serious negative effects on the epifaunal and macrofaunal benthic community.
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    Seafish response to A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland and Guidelines on the selection of MPAs and development of the MPA network

    Seafish has produced a combined response to two Scottish consultations on the future of the Scottish marine environment. The consultations were on the draft Marine Nature Conservation Strategy for Scotland and on draft guidelines on the selection of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the development of the MPA network in the seas around Scotland. The original consultation papers can be found here: A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland: Marine Protected Areas in the Seas around Scotland:
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    Appraisal of the opportunity for offshore aquaculture in UK waters. Report of project FC0934, commissioned by Defra and Seafish from FRM Ltd.

    The report provides an assessment of the potential for open ocean, offshore finfish aquaculture in UK waters using candidate species which would have similar growth and performance characteristics to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)and with due reference to other potential species candidates.
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    The Good Practice Guide to Handling and Storing Live Crustacea

    These guidelines have been produced for commercial operatives engaged in handling and storing live crustacea within the United Kingdom. They aim to help businesses achieve high standards of operation by encouraging practices that ensure product safety, product quality, and efficient use of resources.
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    A Guide for Ecological Risk Assessment of the Effects of Commercial Fishing (ERAEF)

    This report reviews ecosystem risk assessment methods and describes in detail the method evolved in Australia by CSIRO.
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    Development of a suitable dredge for exploitation of razorfish (Ensis directus) in The Wash

    This report describes a study of the environmental effects of razorfish dredging within a SAC (Special Area of Conservation) under the Habitats directive. The study includes instrumentation, environmental modeling and was used as an appropriate assessment under for the experimental fishery for this species in The Wash.
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    Drift netting for Tuna - The feasibility and costs of alternative fishing methods

    The feasibility and costs of alternative fishing methods.
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    Best Practice Guidance for Fishing Industry Financial and Economic Impact Assessments

    Guidelines based on outputs from a technical workshop organised by the UK Fisheries Economics Network.
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    Biodiesel test engine cell facility non technical report

    This report details work carried out on the design and installation of an engine performance test facility located at the Holman’s Test Mine, operated by the Camborne School of Mines (CSM), an academic department of the University of Exeter. The work was commissioned by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SeaFISH) with the aim of developing a facility to permit the testing of biofuels such as biodiesel and biofuel blends in marine diesel engines. Engine performance test cells of this nature are generally configured to test various engines, whereas for this project, the engine needed to be a constant with the fuel being the variable.
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    Drift netting for tuna; the feasibility and costs of alternative fishing methods

    This report describes work carried out under contract to MAFF. It examines the implications of the impending ban on high seas drift netting on that sector of the Cornish fleet that is currently licensed to fish for albacore tuna. More specifically, it covers investigations in the UK, Ireland and northern Spain into alternative fishing methods, the potential for converting the vessels in question and some of the market aspects of these changes. It is concluded that conversion to the trolling system of towed lines is the most appropriate option for the Cornish vessels, that this conversion could be carried out at a realistic cost, that crews could adapt to the necessary changes quite readily and that market opportunities would be open to re-equipped vessels. Given the current volatility of the global market for albacore tuna it is not possible to predict whether the converted vessels would be commercially viable. Indications are that, in the long term, conditions in Europe could be favourable to vessels that converted to trolling.