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We found 472 results for "online fish" in Documents
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - July 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 11th July 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - February 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 20th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    2021 Northern Ireland Small Port Infrastructure Survey

    2021 Northern Ireland Small Port Infrastructure Survey Investigation into infrastructure and facilities at Northern Ireland landing locations that have a commercial fishing presence.
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    Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: Assessment of habitat extent and condition at “Queenie corner” and assessment of fishing activity at potential MCZ sites. Public

    27 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in Secretary of State and English waters were designated by the UK government, acting through Defra, in a first tranche in 2013, followed by a second tranche of 23 MCZs designated in 2016. Consultation of a third tranche is planned for early 2017, including potentially a number of sites of particular concern to the Northern Ireland fishing industry (Slieve Na Griddle, South Rigg and Mud Hole). Defra previously identified that these three sites, which were originally suggested through the Irish Sea Conservation Zones project, require further consideration due to their location within important fishing grounds, and that their designation “could have a significant impact on the fishing sector, particularly within Northern Ireland”. Defra has encouraged the fishing industry to develop alternative site proposals for protecting subtidal mud habitats in the Irish Sea region, and that all available options will be then be considered in the third tranche of designations (Defra, 2015). Alternative sites were proposed following stakeholder engagement in a report for Seafish by AFBI in 2015 (AFBI, 2015); this concluded that the “least worst” options in terms of potential fishery displacement, yet representing the key habitat of interest, subtidal mud, were West of Walney in the eastern Irish Sea and a new site, “Queenie Corner”, in the western Irish Sea. West of Walney was included in Tranche 2 of the MCZ designations, and this included a co-location zone with wind farms which had held up its submission in Tranche 1. It passed through consultation and was designated in January 2016. The site proposed as “Queenie Corner” in AFBI (2015) was formally proposed to Defra for consideration in October 2015, with support of both the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers’ Organisation Ltd. and Northern Ireland Fish Producers’ Organisation Ltd. However, due to the introduction of the Welsh Fishery Zone, the site had to be re-drawn to avoid overlap with this zone, which reduced the original site area proposed. During 2014 and 2015 additional surveys were completed by AFBI aboard the RV Corystes to provide the habitat evidence required for full consideration of Queenie Corner by Defra. Seafish provided funding for processing of samples and work up of these data to evaluate the presence, extent and condition of the habitat at Queenie Corner, and compare this to similar evidence at the remaining potential sites of Slieve Na Griddle, South Rigg and Mud Hole. This work is reported here, along with a comparison of fishing effort between 2006 and 2014 over each of these sites, and also West of Walney, to provide an overview of how these sites compare in terms of potential fisheries displacement should designation occur and management measures require banning of mobile gear fisheries.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - May 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 6th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 18 July 2017

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 18 July 2017.
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    The next NGO priority: An initial review of developments, implications, and practical responses 

    This report focuses on emerging priorities for NGOs. It considers major industry impacts arising from NGO areas of focus and sets out areas where a response from industry and Seafish may be required and identifies areas of potential collaboration.
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    Trade conditions relating to UK international seafood trade

    This note provides a summary of trade conditions relating to UK international seafood trade.
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    Position Statement: NAPA’s Reaction to 2022 Coastal States/NEAFC

    NAPA has released a position statement evaluating the outcomes of the 2022 negotiations on Northeast Atlantic pelagics, which set out what the likely scenarios will be in 2023, and reflects on the implications for consumers and the global marketplace.
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    Supply Chain & Consumer Panel Minutes - May 2021

    The Minutes of the Supply Chain & Consumer Panel meeting, held on Tuesday 11 May 2021.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - March 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 7th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 31st March 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Board minutes - 28 November 2018

    Seafish Board minutes