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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 project update March 2015

    This document outlines the Project Inshore work through the four stages which progress from a broad overview of English inshore fisheries to strategic targeted action plans.
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    Use of waste as a biofuel and fertiliser in Orkney_C008

    Shellfish processors want simple, local, cost-effective solutions for managing shellfish waste. Anaerobic digestion (AD) has been identified as a potential solution for shellfish waste treatment. The process produces methane which can be used to generate energy and digestate (fertiliser) which has applications in agriculture and horticulture. Heat and Power Ltd. were part funded by Seafish to evaluate the potential of AD as a solution for Orkney based shellfish and food processors. The main aims of the project were to consider whether AD could reduce commercial waste disposal costs and establish a sustainable waste management solution for the island. It included a small-scale batch digester trial on crab shells. This report summarises AD technology, suitable food wastes in Orkney and results of a small-scale batch trial on crab processing waste.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Oyster (Pacific and Native) Technical Pages

    These pages contain technical advice on the cultivation of Pacific and native oysters. They are complimented by an economic modelling tool that enables you to explore how a potential oyster business might work. Key words: Aquaculture; Mussel; Scallop; Oyster; Clam; Halibut; Turbot; Cod; Manila; Pacific; Hyperbook; Economic; Model; cultivation; farming; King; Queen; algae; trestle, rope; cage; seabed; suspended; hatchery; nursery; production;
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    SIPF D123_Future Management of Brown Crab in UK and Ireland

    This study (SIPF Project D123) looks at the merits of the various tools and systems used elsewhere to manage sectors involved with Brown Crab fisheries, such as; access restrictions, pot limitations, shellfish licences and permits, quotas and TACs, Minimum Landing Sizes and gear technology, and considers their utility in managing Brown Crab stocks in UK and Ireland.
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    Fishermen's Environmental Monitoring Pilot - Exploring the Role of Fishermen in MPA and Environmental Monitoring

    The evidence and data requirements for the designation and subsequent monitoring of MPAs place significant logistical and economic burden for official bodies. This report demonstrates how the fishing industry can play an integral role in marine monitoring and evidence collection using underwater video surveys as a model. Collaborative surveys are shown to have mutual benefits in terms of cost and efficiency savings, knowledge transfer and relationship building.
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    Development of a Pacific Oyster Aquaculture Protocol for the UK - Protocol Template

    The potential impact of wild Pacific oysters on local biodiversity is being raised as an issue that has to be considered in environmental assessments of both new farms and changes to practices by existing farms where they occur in wildlife protected areas. A FIFG-funded project has been carried out by Seafish which focuses on Pacific oyster cultivation in and around European Marine Sites. Working closely with industry and statutory nature conservation agencies, relevant background information was collated (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Technical Reportand a protocol proposed (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Protocol template. Where there could be an impact on protected wildlife and/or marine habitats, husbandry and management techniques have been proposed to mitigate or eliminate any potential impacts. The project complements the ‘Memorandum of Understanding for Appropriate Assessments in European Marine Sites’ that was agreed between the SAGB and Natural England.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Cornwall Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    his report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Devon & Severn IFCA
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Northumberland Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Northumberland IFCA.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the North Eastern IFCA.
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    SR682 Opportunities for brown crab processed products in selected European markets - trade perspectives.

    This research is an in-depth review of brown crab processed products as seen from a trade perspective. The research is produced as a specific output of the wider Acrunet Activity 5 which seeks to understand the wider system of brown crab practices from production to consumption within the EU.
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    Biofuels: An investigation into the use of Pure Plant Oil as a replacement for Marine Diesel

    The use of pure plant oil (PPO), also known as vegetable oil, as a diesel fuelextender or as a total fuel substitute is known. The concept gained popularity during the fuel crisis in the 1970’s although engine technology at this time was relatively basic. The concept today has two primary drivers for land transportation: cost reduction and environmental footprint. The use of recovered and suitably processed used cooking oil (UCO) can offer further substantial atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation together with a reduction in other regulated exhaust pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, as well as additional cost savings compared to virgin PPO,.Regenatec has developed technology which retro-fits to diesel engines and allows them to be fuelled by diesel or PPO or UCO. This technology is found in products being sold to owners of land based vehicles, both commercial and domestic. Initial trial work performed by Regenatec on land based vehicles has shown promising results. This project investigated the use of PPO in a trawler, the Jubilee Quest, based in Grimsby, UK, operated on PPO during the Autumn of 2006. The aim of this trial was a technical investigation of the technology and PPO: it was not designed to be a commercial deployment. The use of PPO (and even UCO) is currently commercial unviable in UK marine applications due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the petrochemical industry. (The use of PPO and UCO is only viable for land based vehicles because of a duty rebate currently enjoyed by bio-fuels.) As biofuels start to scale and when the environmental costs of fossil fuels are fully reflected in the cost of the product, it is anticipated that biofuels will become economically viable. As a key part of this project, Regenatec developed their technology into a system to be used at sea by a trawler. Their dual tank system is under electronic control to automate the use of PPO in a diesel engine. This has significant advantages over existing, less sophisticated technology. The engine is started on conventional marine diesel (or biodiesel) and then automatically switches over to the lower cost, more environmentally friendly PPO. The automation greatly improves the ease of use for unskilled operators and removes the potential for engine damage when compared to manual control. Additionally, Regenatec is heavily involved in fuel additive work investigating what fuel additives commonly used to enhance the technical and environmental performance of mineral diesel are applicable to PPO and UCO. This work is being undertaken under Confidentiality Agreement in conjunction with a leading mainstream additive manufacturer. An ‘additive pack’ was not fully developed and therefore not available for field deployment during this project. However, lab work and land based field trials in this area have provided encouraging feedback.