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We found 99 results for "Seafish Annual Plan 2018 2019" in Documents
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    Presentations given at Seafish Landing Obligation Panel. Malta. February 2016

    Seafish facilitated a Landing Obligation panel at the Seaweb Seafood Summit in Malta on Monday 1 February 2016. The aim of this session was to share the impacts of the LO on fisheries and fishers and to describe some of the tools that have been developed to minimize any adverse impacts. The session was facilitated by Mike Park, Scottish White Fish Producers Association. There were three additional speakers: Liane Veitch, ClientEarth; Hazel Curtis, Seafish; and Helen Duggan, Seafish.
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    Landing Obligation Economic Impact Assessment Final Report

    The economic impact assessment has four primary goals: analyse the potential consequences of the landing obligation for the UK fleet – if there is no substantive change in fishing patterns; explore the potential value of different policy levers to the UK fleet; identify potential choke stocks and their associated choke points in different sea areas, and for different fleet segments; and communicate the areas of greatest challenge with regards to mitigating the impact of the landing obligation in the UK.
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    SR690 Potential Implications of the Landing Obligation on onshore seafood supply chains in the UK.

    The aim of the work is to analyse the impact of the landing obligation in a whole supply chain context, and from financial, legal, operational and market perspectives. This project will:- •Map the UK supply chain and identify existing and perceived issues for each sector. •Assess the impact of issues in respect of changes in policy •Discuss potential consequences for each sector; for example, changes in operational behaviour, policy issues, loss of supply or loss of market. •Identify gaps in information and suggest better use of existing information. The analyses will be mainly qualitative.
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    Seafood social profile Thailand January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    ILO Work in Fishing Convention 188. What it means for the UK fishing industry and those operating in UK waters. July 2019

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) Work in Fishing Convention 188 is a global labour standard to ensure fishers have minimum standards and decent conditions of work on board all fishing vessels. It sets responsibilities for owners, skippers and fishers, regardless of their employment status. The Convention establishes minimum requirements for work on board; conditions of service; accommodation and food; occupational safety and health protection; medical care and social security. The UK ratified the Convention in January 2019. This will impact on all aspects of living and working conditions on UK fishing vessels, wherever those vessels are operating. It will also apply to fishing vessels (that are not UK registered vessels) operating in UK waters. The new provisions will be phased in, but many of them applied in the UK from 30 December 2018. This briefing note provides an overview of what is covered by the new legislation and what changes this will bring about. The new legislative requirements have been split into those covering health and safety and those covering working conditions. There is also guidance on where to look for further information.
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    Cod to 2030 (full report)

    A review of the UK’s cod supply base and 10 year forward view.
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    Timetable mapping CFP reform process from February 2012 to 1 January 2014.

    Timetable mapping CFP reform process from February 2012 to 1 January 2014 with particular emphasis on the discard elements.
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    Discard Action Group - meeting minutes

    Friends House, London. Wednesday, 10 October 2018
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 11 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Better Training Safer Food Annual Report 2014; Increasing the maximum permissible mercury content of fish; Official controls - Live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods; Fair and quality fish on your plate: ALDE calls for a European Eco-label; "The EU fish market” 2015; "The EU fish market” 2015; Dutch flatfish fleet; Support for fishermen; Council Regulations suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties; New proposals to improve transparency and monitoring of EU fleet fishing internationally; Statement on the adoption of tariff quotas for certain imported fish and fish products; List of invasive alien species; “How to make fisheries controls in Europe uniform”
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    Response to the Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide consultation

    Our response to the winter 2022 MCS Food Fish Guide consultation. Following a review of proposed scoring, we provided commentary on brown crab, European lobster, Dover sole, anglerfish and spotted ray.
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    Board minutes - 26 February 2020

    Seafish Board minutes