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We found 223 results for "2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report" in Documents
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    Final Report - The socio-economic impacts of increased seafood consumption in England

    The preliminary study estimates the potential health benefits to the economy if people were to eat more seafood.
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    Seafood 2040 - A Strategic Framework for England

    Seafood 2040 has brought together stakeholders from across the seafood supply chain in pursuit of a single, compelling goal. This document is the result of that shared enterprise.
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    UK Seafood in Numbers - 2021

    UK Seafood in Numbers 2021 is an interactive PDF with data on performance of the UK seafood industry in 2021. It covers landings, aquaculture, processing, imports, exports and seafood consumption in the UK.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2022/2023

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2022/2023 and information on future developments.
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    Seafood social profile Thailand November 2020

    This report on Thailand is part of a series of country risk profiles that are designed to provide an understanding of the social risks associated with the key source countries that export seafood to the UK. Each report covers risks related to the production and processing of both wild catch and aquaculture seafood products. This report covers issues such as forced and child labour, working conditions, and impacts of the industry on local communities, as well as the mitigation efforts and regulatory frameworks put in place to address these risks.
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    Climate change adaptation in UK seafood (wild capture) - summary report

    This summary report concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on domestic and international production. It sets out major impacts from key climate change drivers and major areas of adaptation action, from production to processing.
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    2023 Fish as Food review

    A review of developments in UK seafood consumption which looks at implications and practical responses.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 23/04/2016 – 29/04/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: New Seafish Brussels Event; IUU fishing; Thailand ethical and sustainable fisheries; EU & Canada take measures to strengthen their fight against IUU fishing; Sri Lanka welcomes the announcement of the lifting of EU red card; the EU’s carding process; preventing IUU fisheries in the Arctic high seas; proposal for a Directive to improve the working conditions in the fishing sector; Changes within DG SANTE: Directorate F Health & Food audits and analysis (formerly FVO); FVO audit of Vietnam fishery products.
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    Fishmeal and fish oil facts and figures. March 2018.

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. These fishmeal and fish oil facts and figures draw together the latest available data on World, European and UK markets, as well as the supply of fishmeal for land animals and fish feed.
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    Net Positive Fishing: Disruptive Seafood Harvesting Workshop

    A report calling on industry to invest in new fishing net technology to reduce the impacts of bottom-trawling.Net Positive: Disruptive Seafood was supported by Seafish through the Strategic Investment Programme and delivered by Espersen, Icelandic Seachill, and Nomad Foods. The report follows a workshop hosted at FAI Farms in Oxford, which brought together seafood industry actors, scientists and technology developers from across a variety of disciplines, with the goal of creating and building support for innovative selective harvest design concepts, with the potential to transform the wild-caught seafood sector.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. May 2021.

    May news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 3 June 2021.
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    Climate change adaptation in the UK (wild capture) seafood industry 2018

    This report from Seafish and the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) considers recent advances in understanding and industry experience of climate change drivers and impacts.