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    Board minutes - 27 February 2019

    Seafish Board minutes
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    Corporate responsibility & consumer trust in labelling

    Presentation from 6th World Fisheries Congress
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    GRP Temperature and Humidity Records

    Form 49 (Issue 1) - GRP Temperature and Humidity Records.
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    SECLG Presentation 2. How the seafood supply chain is addressing emerging issues and challenges. 5 March 2024.

    Mia Tucker, Issara Institute spoke about their model for worker-centred due diligence and remediation. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - Annex 6 - International

    The annex concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on international aquaculture production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, highlighting key opportunities and threats.
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    Exploratory Voyage for Blue Whiting, 'St. Benedict' April 1974

    This report describes a charter voyage of the freezer trawler St. Benedict (Thomas Hamling, Hull) carried out by the White fish authority in March/April 1974 on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. The objectives of the voyage were to bring back a sufficient quantity of blue whiting, preserved to optimum standards, to facilitate development of processing machinery and methods for this species and to obtain trade reactions to it. To obtain a working knowledge of methods of detection and capture of this particular species and to carry out work programmes devised by the Marine Laboratories and Torry Research Station, related to fish population analysis and methods of preservation. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Work Measurement on Fish Processing Operations in Aberdeen

    This project has been carried out at the request of the Aberdeen Fishcurers and Merchants’ Association in order to provide realistic labour costs of processing the principal species handled in the port of Aberdeen. The task has consisted of establishing the time taken for the most common production operations, or to use Work Study terminology, of “measuring the work content” of these operations. This Work measurement has thus provided a basis, independent of fluctuations in rate of pay, which can be used to calculate labour costs of such operations as hand and machine filleting. The data gathered can also be of value to firms for production planning as well as costs and it is proposed to make this information available to interested firms in the form of ready reference tables. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Investigation of the Effects of Overfilling Boxed at Sea Fish on Quality and Yield

    The report describes a trial conducted on a Peterhead seiner to quantify the effects of box overfilling. It demonstrates this in terms of fish quality, temperature and weight loss by comparing correctly filled and overfilled boxes. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Introducing Seafish

    Our work is underpinned by a commitment to supporting a responsible and efficient industry that balances consumer demand with the conservation of stocks for the future.
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    Annex 3: Seafish Levy Review Stakeholder Survey Analysis

    A report produced by White Space Strategy on analysis of the Levy Review Stakeholder Survey, which was commissioned to assess views from industry around proposed changes to the Seafish levy.
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    nationalfinalist cmi.pdf

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    SFIN 17 - Carbon monoxide detection

    Seafish Information Note 17 - carbon monoxide detection.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 07/05/2018 – 28/05/2018

    What the think tanks are thinking; institutional consequences of a bespoke agreement based on a "close cooperation" model; Proposal for a Regulation on the apportionment of tariff rate quotas included in the WTO schedule of the Union following the withdrawal of the UK from the Union; Customs Union; General Affairs Council; Framework for UK-EU Economic Partnership; Brexit: Parliament's role in approving and implementing agreements with the EU; A Critical Perspective on “Associate EU Citizenship”; Trouble Ahead for post-Brexit Trade with the UK?; UK-US Trade Relations; Future UK-EU Trade Arrangements: Implications for Ireland’s Agri-food Sector
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    The Transport Chain of Velvet Crabs from Orkney, the Western Isles and Northumberland to Spain - A Preliminary Review

    This study aims to examine the transport chain between 2-3 main fishing areas in the UK (Orkney, the Western Isles and East Coast-Northumberland) and the main market for velvet crabs, which is in Spain.
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    Fish In Cook-Freeze System of Catering

    This report is concerned with the development of fish dishes for the cook/freeze system of catering. The development work was carried out by the White fish Authority, in conjunction with the University of Leeds Catering Research Unit who were principally responsible for much of the original development of the cook/freeze system for institutional caterers. Twelve fish recipes, suitable for institutional catering, were modified or adapted to the system and some of them were subjected to acceptability tests in schools and hospitals. The results show that fish dishes, including fish which is coated in batter and fried, can be successfully incorporated in a cook/freeze catering system, with no impairment in quality or acceptability. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Humber Seafood Summit 2016 Agenda

    Humber Seafood Summit 2016 Agenda
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    Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee (SDAAC) ToR

    The Terms of Reference for the working of the Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee
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    FMIG Presentation 7. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Graham Underwood, UK Blue Carbon Evidence Partnership (UKBCEP) spoke about the management, creation and protection of blue carbon habitats. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Nutritional Profile - Red mullet

    The red mullet nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Grant-Aided PFD with PLB Application Form

    To be completed by individual commercial cockle fishers or intertidal shellfish farmers based in Wales.
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    The Guidelines for the Construction of Small Flat Wooden Trawl Doors

    Traditional flat wooden otterboards are of simple construction, easily maintained and are ideally made from hardwood with steel reinforcements. These traditional otterboards tend to work at high angles of attack.
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    Summary of ICES catch advice for 2024 for pelagic stocks.

    Quick summary of ICES advice for 2024 for the major and minor pelagic species. Produced by the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association.
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    ipso statement.pdf

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    Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs)

    Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs)
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    Appraisal of Alfa-Lavel Centriflow Fish Liver Oil Plant

    The objects of the projects were to assess the performance of the Alfa-Laval Centriflow fish liver oil plant in the production of fish oil from the discharge effluent of the vessel’s Shetland Type 28 gutting machine; and the production of a high quality liver oil from whole livers taken from hand gutted fish. During the time the plant was in operation aboard the stern trawler ‘MARBELLA’ it proved itself captable of producing a yield of fish oil from the gutting machine effluent of comparable proportion to the yield of fish liver oil from the same weight of whole fish processed traditionally. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Quality Evaluation of Fresh Fish at Retail Level

    Findings of a survey of chilled fish quality available from different types of retail outlet and in different regions of the UK conducted in the summer of 83. The results show that quality at the point of sale is much lower than it need be as a consequence of poor temperature control at all stages of distribution and sales. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    'Plate Sized' Farmed Turbot in Five Restaurants at the 1976 Argyle Seafood Festival

    Farmed turbot weighing approximately 500-550g each were served at five restaurants, during the Argyll Seafood Festival in early July 1976, and were also displayed wet at the gala at Crinan. The trial confirmed that this is the optimum size for serving farmed turbot as a plat-size single portion, as they were well received by the management of the restaurants, the chefs and customers alike. Larger fish, about 900g in weight and suitable for serving two portions, were not so well received, as they were not so easy to handle in the kitchen. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Form L1 Sea Fish

    Levy return form
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    Board Register of Members' Interests

    Board register of members' interests up to May 2024.
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    Board Register of Members' Interests

    Board register of members' interests up to December 2023.
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    EU Exports letter

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    SECLG Presentation 2. Driving improvements in labour standards. 1 March 2022.

    Andrea Albertazzi, European Transport Workers' Federation, spoke about the EU Social Partners joint resolution on seafood social standards and supply chains.
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    Board Register of Members' Interests

    Board register of members' interests up to Jannuary 2024.
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    fleet survey final.pdf

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    Good manufacturing practice guidelines - Live bivalves workbook

    Seafish have produced this workbook to assist live bivalve shellfish operators in producing a high quality, safer live bivalve in compliance with legal obligations. It is designed to be used in the production environment, onboard the harvesting vessel or foreshore. Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    help for heroes.pdf

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    FMIG Presentation 2. Innovative gear selectivity – current state of play. 17 April 2024.

    Lois Flounders, MarFishEco spoke about the Gear Trials Partnership Project and wider research. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    SECLG Presentation 4. How the seafood supply chain is addressing emerging issues and challenges. 5 March 2024.

    Georgia Worrall, Seafood Ethics Action Alliance spoke about collaborating to understand and address emerging issues in the supply chain. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafish Species Guide - John dory - 2014

    This Species Guide to John dory contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Project UK Fisheries Improvements leaflet

    PUKFI is working towards an environmentally sustainable future for UK fisheries by running Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) on six UK fisheries that have been selected by the UK supply chain.
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    Board Register of Members' Interests

    Board register of members' interests up to March 2024.
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    SECLG Presentation 3. How the seafood supply chain is addressing emerging issues and challenges. 5 March 2024.

    Lucila Granada, FLEX and Mike Park, SWFPA spoke about Europe’s first Worker-Driven Social Responsibility initiative in UK fisheries. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafish levy return form

    Microsoft Excel document for electronic submission of levy return form