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We found 90 results for "application for registration inspection" in Documents
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    Report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA) April 2013

    A report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA).
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Cornwall Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    his report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Devon & Severn IFCA
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2017-2018

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2017/18 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    South Korea Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This South Korea profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for South Korea.
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    An assessment of ethical issues impacting on the UK seafood supply chain: Literature review

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK. This literature review is one of the key outputs. This addresses; the context and challenges; the scope of analysis, in applying ethical concepts and standards to the seafood industry; a review of relevant published reports; a review of media reports, websites and advocacy campaigns; an initial assessment of government, industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives; and an overall assessment and gap analysis.
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    UK-EU seafood trade under World Trade Organisation conditions

    This note provides a description of World Trade Organisation (WTO) trade conditions, which has been highlighted as a potential trading situation for the UK under a no deal EU exit.
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    Guidelines for the Landing and Sale of Fishery Products

    Advice on how to maintain high standards of fish quality and food safety and on maximising value through efficient landing and sale operations. The guidelines cover buildings and other structures, equipment, operating practices and the management and control of operations from landing of fish, to its despatch from the market or place of landing. They apply to the landing of fresh fish, both demersal and pelagic. They do not cover shellfish, that will be the subject of separate guidelines. Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    Seafish Insight: Fishing references by country in 2018 U.S. TIP Report. June 2018

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. The U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) 2018 was published on 28 June 2018. This document lists the references to fishing by country.
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    B40_UK Legislative Status for Abalone Culture

    South West Abalone Growers Association (SWAGA) aims to promote the sustainable development of abalone culture in the South West of the UK. In 2003 SWAGA undertook a FIFG Networking Project (FitzGerald 2003) to establish the limitations to the development of the industry of which legislative barriers were a significant feature.This legislative review has been produced as a guidance document for potential operators. Although it signposts the major legislative issues it is not exhaustive and prospective operators will need to establish site specific issues and requirements. It is also notable that there is considerable movement at present in a number of legislative areas and that any opinions provided in this report will be subject to change as interpretations evolve and regulations are updated.
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    Thailand Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Thailand profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Thailand.
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    Seafish briefing on labour issues in Thailand's warm water prawn supply chain. December 2014.

    The Thai government has long faced criticism for its failure to curb labour and human rights abuses occurring in the country, however attention came to a head in June 2014 with the publication of a series of articles and videos in the Guardian newspaper containing allegations of human trafficking and slave labour in the Thai seafood industry. At the same time the US State Department downgraded Thailand to a Tier 3 ranking on its 2014 Trafficking in Persons report. Tier 3 status indicates insufficient improvement of ongoing human trafficking problems in a number of Thailand’s industries, including its seafood industry. The TIP Report highlights the existence of forced labour, human trafficking, and other abuses on Thai vessels that harvest wild fish for Thai shrimp feed, and the Guardian articles have connected those supply chains to leading producers and retailers. The UK seafood industry is taking this issue very seriously and there are moves to ensure that each link in the supply chain is not implicated in any form of labour abuse. Whilst there is a fundamental need to improve the situation this document highlights the positive movement for change that is underway.