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We found 90 results for "application for registration inspection" in Documents
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    The Good Practice Guide for Pelagic Fishermen

    This booklet has been produced for fishermen who are engaged in the capture of pelagic species from fisheries around the UK and the EU. The booklet is intended as a guide for the pelagic catching sector, regarding applicable UK and EU regulations concerning food safety. It has been compiled in accordance with the recommendations as prescribed in Regulation 852/2004/EC on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs (Articles 7 and 8) which provide for the development of national guides to good hygiene practice. Primarily fishermen, but also food businesses and industry stakeholders, can use these guides as an aid to compliance with food safety regulations.
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    Guidelines for the Facilities and Equipment Required for Handling Bivalve Molluscs from Harvesting through to Distribution to Retail Outlets, 1st Edition

    Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    The Price of Fish?

    A key new report to give all 661 MPs and 129 MSPs a clear overview of why our industry matters. It is intended to give a general overview of our industry, covering everything from safety at sea through to the improving environmental record of fishing, the economic value of our industry, and the health benefits of seafood.
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    Review of Fish Sustainability Information Schemes Final Report

    The benefits of sustainable fisheries and the need to mitigate the environmental impacts of fishing and aquaculture are increasingly in the public consciousness. Poorly implemented, government run, command and control management schemes have often failed to curb fishing effort, prevent overfishing and avoid environmental degradation. Alternative, market based approaches have shown promise and, among these, enabling informed consumer choice in seafood purchasing can generate strong motivation for improved catching and culture practices.
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – September 2017

    Primary Authority 3; Brexit; IUU Fishing; Fish Name Designations; Official Controls; Fish Trade; Code of Practice for Smoked Fish; Expert Group on Food Hygiene and Control of Food of Animal Origin; Freezing Treatment for Killing Viable Parasites; Brexit Priority Work Areas; Seafood Traceability; Work with FSS and Local Authorities; Shellfish Review; Regulatory Strategy; Shellfish Classification and Risk Assessments; Official Controls; Animal By Products Scottish Case Study Discussion; Regulating our Future; Acrylamide Regulation; Changes to Seafish’s Primary Authority; India and Veterinary Residues; Crystal Violet; End Use; Importers Forum; Superchilling; Markets Advisory Council; Tuna Treatment with Nitrate; US Marine Mammal Protection Act
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 21 July 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Thursday 21 July 2016.
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    Seafish Delivery Report 2016 - 2017

    The Seafish Delivery Report 2016 - 2017 looks back at performance against KPIs in the 2016- 2017 Annual Plan and includes case studies and key achievements.
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    Aquaculture in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: An Analysis of the Economic Contribution and Value of the Major Sub-Sectors and the Most Important Farmed Species

    A report which analyses the economic contribution and value of the major aquaculture sub-sectors, and the most important farmed species in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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    Time-Temperature Studies in the Distribution of Fresh Fish in Summer

    This report describes a temperature survey of fresh fish between the coastal market and the retailer. Over 5,000 temperature measurements were made during the summer months which was an unusually hot summer. These measurements highlight the problem areas in temperature control throughout the distribution chain and shows that fresh fish however good it may be at the points of landing much of it is progressively downgraded or even ruined in quality by the time it reaches the consumer. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    A preliminary investigation on Shelf Edge and Deepwater Fixed Net Fisheries to the West and North of Great Britain, Ireland, around Rockall, and Hatton Bank. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    UK Shellfish Biotoxin Database Development - Summary Report 1_IPF_B037

    This report sets out the results of a consultation to scope the requirement for an on-line marine biotoxins database and website designed to be operated by the shellfish industry. From a consultee list of 560, 289 contacts were made using a combination of email and telephone calls, resulting in 41 responses – a 14% response rate.
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    Delivery Report 2012-2015

    The Seafish Delivery Report 2012-2015 looks back at performance against KPIs over the previous period and contains details of case studies and key achievements.