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    Cold Water Prawns - consumer usage and attitudes

    In 2004 the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) commissioned research to investigate the prawn market, specifically looking at consumers’ usage of, and attitudes towards, cold water prawns. This document focuses on outlining current consumption patterns and investigating consumer attitudes towards the consumption of cold water prawns against warm water prawns. It also looks to determine whether or not consumers distinguish between different prawn types, as well as the importance of benefits to health and the ethical issues of prawn supplies. Finally the report identifies potential new product development opportunities.
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    An Assessment of D.A. Massonage and Mortality of the Brown Crab Vivier Transport

    Examination made on two consignments of brown crab exported from the UK to Spain. The aim was to assess the loads for quality, marketability and mortality and to account for the differences observed. In particular the relationship between physical D.A. Massonage and mortality was investigated and the causes of D.A. Massonage were discussed at some length.
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    Diesel Fuel additives - Summary Report

    This document provides a non-technical summary of fuel consumption tests on red diesel fuel additives, and comparison of these results with those from identical tests using red diesel alone. The test cycle used simulated a trawler operating a 20 hour 40 minute excursion from Newlyn and within this involved 3, 4 hour long trawl stages. This test cycle was established after discussion with local skippers from the Newlyn fleet and SeaFISH representatives. The tests were conducted at the Camborne School of Mines engine dynamometer test facility installed in the Holman’s Test Mine in Cornwall.
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    Frozen Seafood in Multiple Retail 2017

    Frozen seafood has been in decline since 2007, with frozen sauce and frozen seafood meals being the hardest hit, losing over -50% volume. Over the short term (52 wks. to 25th March 2017) many frozen segments remained in decline, but frozen batter, natural, fingers, dusted and sushi segments are back in growth.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 10 February 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 10 February 2016.
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    Minutes of the Seafood Regulation Expert Group meeting held 19/01/2016

    Expert Group Review – Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO); Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Traceability and consumer information; New minimum residue limits for biocides in the food chain; Primary Authority and Seafish guidance; Determination of deglazed net weight; Better Regulation Delivery Office Food Standards and Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel reports; Imports; Tuna Treatment; Use of Desliming Agents; Chlorine dioxide; Codex Code of Practice for scallops; Hygiene regulations and scallops; Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme;Seafood Week
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    Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 21 January 2014

    FLEG Minutes: Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation – consumer information; Imports and exports, GSP, China export certification, Animal Health Regulation, IUU fishing (Belize, Guinea and Cambodia); Hygiene regulations, Adoption of Codex E.coli criteria, Norovirus controls in live bivalve molluscs, Scallop shucking by trained chefs, French Classification of scallop Harvesting Waters, cadmium in brown meat of crabs; Labelling - Food Information to Consumers guidance, Label Fish Workshop, Elliott Review and Food Fraud; ethoxyquin; WELMEC guide; date of freezing
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    Key Features.The Clyde Inshore Fishery Study.

    The establishment of a local fishery management group is the route to a sustainable future for the Clyde inshore fishery.Although the Clyde inshore fishery has been in decline in recent years, the potential for a significant, sustainable and viable future does exist.
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    Review of polyphosphates as additives and testing methods for them in scallops and prawns

    Seafish commissioned Campden BRI to conduct a desk-based literature review to provide information on the use of polyphosphates in seafood products, notably scallops and prawns. This report provides background information on polyphosphates including what they are, their presence, composition, how they interact with the product, how they break down over time and naturally occurring levels. A review of testing methodologies is also included.
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    Final CLG minutes for 29 June 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 29 June 2016
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    Seafish Insight: Fishing references by country in 2017 U. S. TIP Report. June 2017.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. The U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) 2017 was published on 27 June 2017. This document lists the references to fishing by country.
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    Performance of a trawl codend made from 90º turned netting (T90) compared with that of traditional codends

    This paper describes a series of tests conducted in the SINTEF Flume Tank with different designs and constructions of codends.
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    Remote Closure of Sea Inlets

    Over half of fishing vessel losses are attributed to flooding, mainly due to the failure of pipes and fittings in the engineroom. Often, when flooding is discovered the crew find it impossible to reach and close the sea inlet valves to stop the flow of water and the vessel is lost. John Buchan, a retired engineer from Peterhead, had an innovative idea to enable the remote closure of sea inlet valves and this report describes the development of his ‘Hydraclose’ concept and a demonstration installation on a 25.6m vessel. Companies in Peterhead and Fraserburgh have developed this system and the Scottish Executive has given major support by the provision of a FIFG grant towards the vessel demonstration costs.
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    Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin Issue 03 2011 Cable

    News of offshore activities for the Oil & Gas, Subsea Cable and Wind Farm industries
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    Final CLG minutes for 5 November 2014

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate market, London on Wednesday 5 November 2014.
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    Further North Sea fishing trials with the ‘Eliminator’ TM trawl (2008)

    In North Sea trials conducted during Nov /Dec 2008, the US designed Eliminator trawl caught 84% fewer cod while maintaining comparable catches of haddock, as compared to the catches of a control trawl (a standard industry demersal trawl). The comparative fishing trials were conducted with the aid of the Scarborough based pair-team (MFV’s Carousel and Eagernoon), skippered by Derek Tye and John Edmonds. These results are similar to those obtained in previous North Sea trials, conducted by Cefas (2007), and support the findings of US workers, who indicate that the Eliminator trawl can be used to selectively harvest haddock in a mixed demersal fishery, while allowing cod and other species to avoid capture. This work provides further evidence that the Eliminator trawl may have potential value as a selective gear within European demersal fisheries where cod protection is of management concern.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015.
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    Guide to Food Safety Management for Fishmongers

    A Guide to Food Safety Management for Fishmongers has been developed specifically for people who manage a typical independent fishmonger shop or operate a mobile fishmonger vehicle.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 21 April 2016

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 21 April 2016.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2014.
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    Seafood Consumption (2016 Update)

    This Factsheet provides an overview of both long and short term GB seafood consumption; contextualising sector, segment and species trends in retail and foodservice.
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    Review of Impact of Packaging and Packaging Waste Legislation

    The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations will require some large fish business to maintain detailed records of packaging handled and to be responsible for the recovery and recycling of some packaging waste. The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations define certain design features that must be incorporated into all packaging in order to reduce its environmental impact.
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    Quick summary of 2014 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the June and October 2014 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Quick summary of 2015 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2015 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    MCA Marine Guidance Note 411 (M+F)

    Training and Certification Requirements for the Crew of Fishing Vessels and their Applicability to Small Commercial Vessels and Large Yachts
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    Report from an international workshop on seine net fishing held in Keflavik, Iceland, May 08

    With the growing interest in this relatively fuel-efficient method of fishing, the college invited speakers from Iceland and across Europe to share their experience and expertise in seine netting (also known as Danish seining, as this technique has its origins in Denmark). Lárus Thór Pálmason, the college’s senior lecturer in fishing gear technology and principal organiser of the event explained that rising fuel prices had driven a growing interest in seine net fishing and the college had been approached informally on several occasions to show groups of fishermen and vessel owners from other countries how seine net fishing works. The visits allowed an insight into how fishermen from other countries were dealing with the problems related to high fuel costs and looking to methods such as seine netting as one way of mitigating the problem. Programmes for visiting fishermen included visits to fishing gear suppliers, some gear simulation sessions in the small flume tank which the college has, and the chance to spend a day at sea with a working boat. These visits have been so popular that it was decided that it would be a good idea to try and pool a lot of the information that has been gathered into a workshop, and hence the international workshop was arranged.
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    FS25-03.09 March 2009 Fuel Flow Meters: Individual and Turnkey

    This work investigated the accuracy and precision of fuel flow meters that may be used on commercial fishing vessels to give real-time indication of engine fuel economy during operations. The study looked into the most accurate way to meter fuel consumption on a commercial fishing vessel, the cost of this to fishermen, how straightforward the device would be to fit on a fishing vessel and whether the sensors are suited to the demanding environmental conditions onboard fishing vessels. The study looked at the performance of six different individual fuel flow meters and four complete fuel monitoring solutions when tested on a marine diesel engine.
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    Response to the Consultation on Fisheries Management in Luce Bay SAC

    Seafish recognises the requirement to protect the environmental integrity of Luce Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), but is disappointed that no information was presented to substantiate the distribution and sensitivity of the seabed. The proposed fisheries management options should be considered in consultation with the fishing industry to ensure that they are truly effective and proportionate and to ensure they have an overall positive effect on the environment. The Scottish Government is reminded of the inshore vessel tracking project, run by Seafish and others, which is intended to demonstrate the potential of vessel tracking as a fisheries management tool.
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    Legislative Requirements for the Disposal of Seafood Waste

    EU legislation on the disposal of animal by-products has and will continue to have major implications for the seafood industry. One effect of particular concern has been the ban on the use of landfill as a disposal route for most animal by-products and the additional inclusion of shell from shellfish as an animal by-product. To address industry concerns and develop a way forward Seafish established a Waste Working Group in April 2004 which brought together the various sectors of the seafood industry, the waste disposal and utilisation industries and industry regulators.
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    Handling Crabs for the Live Market, Part II Vivier Transport

    The rapid development of the British crab industry, and in particular the increasing interest in the export of live crabs to continental seafood markets, has resulted in many operators without previous experience turning to this side of the trade. Some species of crab, notably the velvet or swimming crab, are less robust than others and have proved difficult to transport alive from the main fishing areas to the markets. This data sheet therefore outlines some of the steps that can be taken by vivier truck operators to minimise death and maximise the quality of the live product.
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    Handling Crabs for the Live Market, Part 1

    The increased demand for crabs and lobsters, and the requirement to export live shellfish has led to the Industry needing better methods and information about live holding. This data sheet is part of a new series forming a guide to the selection of equipment needed to successfully store and transport live crabs and lobsters. These data sheets should be used in conjunction with data sheets produced in 1987: Handling Crabs for the Live Trade. Parts I and II. This sheet provides a guide to the selection of water pumps, air pumps and pipe work.
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    Crustacea Processing Waste Management

    With changes in waste legislation, shellfish waste management has become increasingly difficult and expensive. This has significantly affected the shellfish processing sector, particularly the crustacea sector as there is a lack of cost-effective outlets for their waste. Disposal costs of more than £60 per tonne are common, which is not economically viable for many businesses. To establish whether it is possible for UK processors to generate an income or reduce the costs of crustacea waste disposal, Seafish initiated a project to look at the range of options available for crustacea waste management and identify which have potential for the UK processing sector. The project looked at all the crustacea species processed in the UK and the range of products or extracts that can be produced. The project identified two main options for crustacea waste management; use or disposal as ‘waste’ off-site or making it available for use in other products. Each option has its own issues; legalities, technical feasibility, outlets for the products etc. On the basis of the information collected, it will continue to be difficult for the crustacea processing industry to cost-effectively meet the demands of waste disposal legislation for the foreseeable future. Many different routes have and are being explored, but no breakthrough technology or solution has emerged. There are some opportunities to generate a financial return from crustacea waste, but investments in capital and the requirements for effective management remain a significant hurdle to achieving a return on investment. There is no single, simple, cost-effective solution for crustacea waste management. This report summarises the main finding of the project. Further detailed information is available on the Seafish B2B website (Gaining Value from Crustacea Waste Project). This includes an Excel workbook which will be periodically updated with new information as it becomes available. The spreadsheet can be accessed at
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    SR683 Consumer perceptions of processed products in selected European markets

    This research is a broad review of consumer perceptions of brown crab processed products. The research is produced as a specific output of the wider Acrunet Activity 5 which seeks to understand the wider system of brown crab practices from production to consumption.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 21 July 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Thursday 21 July 2016.
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    Quick summary of 2014 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June and autumn 2014 ICES advice with reference to discards. It covers North Sea, Celtic Sea and West of Scotland, and Baltic Sea stocks.