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We found 135 results for "Seafood Consumption 2016 update" in Documents
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    Russia Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood industry in Russia.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 8 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including TTIP; DG MARE update for 2016; 8th Annual Commission Report on the Implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2014); European eco-label for fishery and aquaculture products; Food chain safety; Globalisation; Intention of the Commission to prolong the possibility to use non-organic juveniles and seed from non-organic bivalve shellfish hatcheries; Handling Choke Species in View of the EU Landing Obligation.
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    Aquaculture e-alert April and May 2017

    Monthly aquaculture e-alert highlighting news items, legislation and reports.
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    Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee (SDAAC) - Seafish Powerpoint presentation

    The Seafish Powerpoint presented at the SDAAC meeting, held in London 6th May 2016
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    Final ACIG minutes 26 September 2017

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 26 September 2017.
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    South Korea Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in South Korea.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 27 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including EFSA opinion on ethoxyquin; Guidance Document related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls; EU-Philippines free trade; Free Trade Agreement with Thailand; Sri Lankan fish ban; EU credits Sri Lanka on progress made on IUU fisheries issue; Imports of tuna products from Thailand into the European Union; Nestlé admits to forced labour in its seafood supply chain in Thailand; Question for written answer on the decline in pilchard and anchovy stocks in connection with the tuna recovery plan; New funds to promote our wild and farmed fish; Working Party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy (November 26-27); Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Bioeconomy - A challenge for Europe - 4th SCAR Foresight Exercise
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    Glaze is used to protect frozen seafood products and to prevent quality deterioration during storage. This factsheet provides information about glaze; methods, levels, legal requirements and methods for checking levels of glaze on seafood.
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    Value of proposed and alternative Irish Sea MCZs to Northern Ireland fishing

    By Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd
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    Fishbox: Satisfying consumer demands under varying supply

    Fishbox is a business aiming to supply fresh fish from Scottish fishing vessels and give everyone in the UK the opportunity to have quality fish products delivered directly to their door. It received Strategic Investment Programme Funds to develop a novel method for packing fish into boxes for home delivery according to the consumers' individual preferences. This case study outlines how the idea was developed and implemented a commercial business