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    English Shellfish Industry Development Strategy_Securing the industry's future

    This Strategy for the Development of the Shellfish Industry in England (SIDS)considers what support is needed for the sustainable and profitable development of the sector. The sustainable development of the industry, through the long term management of stocks and supporting ecosystems from the socio-economic and environmental perspectives, is paramount to delivering the Strategy. Comments were gathered from a wide range of stakeholders, including from within the industry, to help formulate the text of the Strategy.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the North Eastern IFCA.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Devon & Severn IFCA
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    Guidelines for the Landing and Sale of Fishery Products

    Advice on how to maintain high standards of fish quality and food safety and on maximising value through efficient landing and sale operations. The guidelines cover buildings and other structures, equipment, operating practices and the management and control of operations from landing of fish, to its despatch from the market or place of landing. They apply to the landing of fresh fish, both demersal and pelagic. They do not cover shellfish, that will be the subject of separate guidelines. Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    SR682 Opportunities for brown crab processed products in selected European markets - trade perspectives.

    This research is an in-depth review of brown crab processed products as seen from a trade perspective. The research is produced as a specific output of the wider Acrunet Activity 5 which seeks to understand the wider system of brown crab practices from production to consumption within the EU.
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    An Assessment of the Impact of Selected Fishing Activities on European Marine Sites and a Review of Mitigation Measures

    The report summarised here has been commissioned by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (SEAFISH) with the aim of determining the potential impact of fisheries on EMS interest features and site integrity in relation to their conservation objectives.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Cornwall IFCA
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    Costs and Earnings of the UK Sea Fish Processing Industry 2001

    This report gives details of financial performance of UK fish processing businesses, categorised according to process type (primary, mixed, secondary) fish type, company size, degree of mechanisation and pack size of products. It highlights how each sector performed compared to the rest. Processors can compare their own results against the averages to see how they match up.
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    Development of a Pacific Oyster Aquaculture Protocol for the UK - Protocol Template

    The potential impact of wild Pacific oysters on local biodiversity is being raised as an issue that has to be considered in environmental assessments of both new farms and changes to practices by existing farms where they occur in wildlife protected areas. A FIFG-funded project has been carried out by Seafish which focuses on Pacific oyster cultivation in and around European Marine Sites. Working closely with industry and statutory nature conservation agencies, relevant background information was collated (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Technical Reportand a protocol proposed (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Protocol template. Where there could be an impact on protected wildlife and/or marine habitats, husbandry and management techniques have been proposed to mitigate or eliminate any potential impacts. The project complements the ‘Memorandum of Understanding for Appropriate Assessments in European Marine Sites’ that was agreed between the SAGB and Natural England.
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    Seafood Industry Value Chain Analysis - Cod, Haddock and Nephrops

    This study provides a close look at the UK seafood value chain for the species cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Gadus aeglefinus) and nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus). This report treats each value chain separately, and the main findings from each analysis can be found below. In addition, the key points extracted from the interviews held with industry players and the implications of the main findings for the major stakeholders in this study are presented here. When seen as a whole, these observations provide a background for understanding some of the developments that are observed in the seafood industry today for the selected species.
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    Profitable Futures for Fishing Final Report

    The Profitable Futures for Fishing Report identifies actions which would improve vessel business profit in each major segment of the Scottish fleet. Contains the recommended actions which were considered to be top priority or most worthwhile whilst providing insight into the longer term aims and ambitions of the different fleet segments.
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    Seafish fleet economic performance dataset

    This dataset contains financial, economic and operational performance indicators for approximately 30 UK fleet segments for the period 2005-2012. Seafish produces the dataset by combining costs and earnings information from vessel accounts provide by vessel owners to the annual Seafish UK Fleet Survey with official effort, landings and capacity data for all active UK fishing vessels provided by the UK Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The outputs for all years are produced using a consistent methodology and fleet segmentation criteria so that trends in key indicators can be observed over time. Note that vessels can be in different segments in different years if they change their gear, area or target species.
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    2009 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    A comprehensive and detailed analysis of UK fleet financial performance in 2009 with individual chapters on 33 fleet segments.
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    2014 UK Seafood Processing Industry Report

    The fish processing industry has a long-standing tradition and is of key importance to regional UK economies. This report presents an overview and detailed analysis of the fish processing industry with particular emphasis on the sea fish processing sector. The analyses contained in this report utilise the latest UK seafood processing industry information, which is gathered and managed by Seafish Economics, namely 2014 Census data, 2012 Financial Survey data and qualitative research data gathered in late 2014 – early 2015.
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    Seafood-waste disposal at sea – a scientific review

    Due to the recent tightening of regulations surrounding the disposal of seafood processing waste to landfill, fish and shellfish processors are now facing a rise in the cost and difficulty of waste disposal. This is of particular concern in remote areas where alternative uses (e.g. fishmeal) are neither accessible nor economically viable and therefore, cost effective and environmentally-sound solutions to the disposal of this waste need to be found. This report examines the potential for disposal at sea, together with the likely impacts and advice on the selection of appropriate sites for disposal.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Southern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Southern IFCA.
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    Strategic Framework for seafood waste management

    In late 2004, Defra tasked Seafish with carrying out a review of the options available for managing seafood waste, within the context of waste policy and legislation. This required a review of the types, quantities and origin of seafood waste, consideration of the timescale for industry to achieve compliance and an assessment of the measures required in the interim. This report provides an overview of the current situation and the options available for seafood waste management. It provides a strategic framework for the seafood industry to move from the current difficulties towards the overall strategic aims of reducing waste, minimising costs and maximising revenue. This is set within a 10 year timescale with prioritised short, medium and long-term objectives.
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    Landing Obligation Economic Impact Assessment Final Report

    The economic impact assessment has four primary goals: analyse the potential consequences of the landing obligation for the UK fleet – if there is no substantive change in fishing patterns; explore the potential value of different policy levers to the UK fleet; identify potential choke stocks and their associated choke points in different sea areas, and for different fleet segments; and communicate the areas of greatest challenge with regards to mitigating the impact of the landing obligation in the UK.
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    2010 Economic survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    A comprehensive and detailed analysis of UK fleet financial performance in 2010 .
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    FANTARED 2 - A study to identify, quantify and ameliorate the impacts of static gear lost at sea

    The study covered fisheries from northwest Norway through the North Sea, English Channel/la Manche, Cantabrian Sea and Algarve to the French Mediterranean. It was carried out as a series of tasks. Task 1, preparation, involved reviewing each partner’s national fisheries and establishing liaison groups of fishermen and other industry members; Task 2, quantifying lost gear, required the partners to interview fishermen to establish their experiences of gear loss and then the survey the areas where losses were reported; Task 3, physical evolution, started with the retrieval of ‘naturally lost’ gears and then moved on to a series of exercises simulating gear loss and monitoring how the ‘lost’ gears changed over time; Task 4, ecosystem impacts, involved interpreting catch data from the experimental gears, raising the data to métier level and comparing the results to targeted commercial catches; Task 5, mitigating measures, established a sub-group to look at the ways in which gear loss is treated elsewhere, matched those approaches to the European fisheries and assessed the likely benefits of alternate strategies; Task 6, ran throughout the project and involved industry liaison, reporting and other dissemination. The work required a relatively high level of industry liaison. In practical terms this meant that each national partner set up a national advisory group (NAG) to guide the work and to ensure that the sea trials and recommendations were representative and realistic. The NAGs were mainly made up of experienced skippers but also included net riggers and other professionals as appropriate. This report, wherever possible, follows the sequence of tasks described above.
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    Multi annual UK fishing fleet estimates 2011 - 2021

    This dataset presents data on annual economic performance for the UK fishing fleet from 2011 to 2021. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2020 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Estimates May 2014

    The Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Estimates provide a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet from 2005 to 2012 along with estimates for 2013. The dataset includes data for approximately 30 UK fleet segments, and has been produced by combining costs and earnings information collected from vessel accounts with transversal data provided by the Marine Management Organisation. The information presented in this publication is a comprehensive and accurate reflection of the financial performance of the UK fishing fleet and is used by a wide range of people across industry, government and academia. We hope that availability of accurate economic data and expert analysis of fleet performance will be used to enhance fisheries management and benefit the UK fleet in the long-run especially now as we move toward the Landings Obligation.
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    2008 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    The 2008 Economic Survey of the UK fishing fleet provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the UK fishing fleet. This report presents analysis of 33 segments of the UK fishing fleet, drawing on a combination of data collected by survey and data on landings and days at sea provided by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), which covers every active vessel in the UK fleet.
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    Appraisal of the opportunity for offshore aquaculture in UK waters

    This report provides an assessment of the potential for open ocean, offshore finfish aquaculture in UK waters using candidate species which would have similar growth and performance characteristics to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and with due reference to other potential species candidates.
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    SIPF D123_Future Management of Brown Crab in UK and Ireland

    This study (SIPF Project D123) looks at the merits of the various tools and systems used elsewhere to manage sectors involved with Brown Crab fisheries, such as; access restrictions, pot limitations, shellfish licences and permits, quotas and TACs, Minimum Landing Sizes and gear technology, and considers their utility in managing Brown Crab stocks in UK and Ireland.
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    Aquaculture Opportunities for Enclosed Marine Water Bodies – Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Case Study

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    Seafish Economic Performance Dataset (UK Overall and by Devolved Administration) 2009 - 2018

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2009-18.
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    Bio-fuels for the fishing industry_Camborne School of Mines Report

    This report details work carried out to investigate the performance of biofuels in marine diesel engines, relative to the use of fossil petrodiesel. The scope of work ultimately included: 1) The installation of a dynamometer test facility, equipped to run diagnostic and simulated operational duty cycles on marine diesel engines.
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    Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2005-2014

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2005-14.
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    Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2008-2018 (Excel Tables) - March 2019 Edition

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2008-18. The dataset covers approximately 30 Seafish defined fleet segments. Version updated for March 2019.
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    2008 Survey of the UK Seafood Processing Industry

    This report provides an overview of the UK seafood processing industry. The report describes the industry structure, employment and characteristics, the supply and sales situation along with issues such as business management and the environment. The report also provides an analysis of the financial performance of the processing industry. This report is the latest in a series of reports undertaken every four years by Seafish.
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    Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2005-14. The dataset includes data for approximately 30 UK fleet segments, and has been produced by combining costs and earnings information from vessel accounts (collected as a result of our annual Fleet Survey of vessel owners) with official effort, landings and capacity data for all active UK fishing vessels, which was provided by the UK Marine Management Organisation (MMO). It contains estimates for the years 2005-2013 and an early estimate for 2014 based on official data, 2014 fuel prices and 2013 cost structures.
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    658 Pacific Oyster Protocol - Technical Report

    The potential impact of wild Pacific oysters on local biodiversity is being raised as an issue that has to be considered in environmental assessments of both new farms and changes to practices by existing farms where they occur in wildlife protected areas. A FIFG-funded project has been carried out by Seafish which focuses on Pacific oyster cultivation in and around European Marine Sites. Working closely with industry and statutory nature conservation agencies, relevant background information was collated (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Technical Report and a protocol proposed (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Protocol template. Where there could be an impact on protected wildlife and/or marine habitats, husbandry and management techniques have been proposed to mitigate or eliminate any potential impacts. The project complements the ‘Memorandum of Understanding for Appropriate Assessments in European Marine Sites’ that was agreed between the SAGB and Natural England.
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    Review of Fish Sustainability Information Schemes Final Report

    The benefits of sustainable fisheries and the need to mitigate the environmental impacts of fishing and aquaculture are increasingly in the public consciousness. Poorly implemented, government run, command and control management schemes have often failed to curb fishing effort, prevent overfishing and avoid environmental degradation. Alternative, market based approaches have shown promise and, among these, enabling informed consumer choice in seafood purchasing can generate strong motivation for improved catching and culture practices.
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    Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2007-2017 (Excel Tables)

    The Seafish fleet economic performance dataset contains financial, economic and operation performance indicators for the period 2007-17. The dataset covers approximately 30 Seafish defined fleet segments and has been produced by combining a sample of costs and earnings data from vessel accounts with official effort, landings and capacity data for all active UK fishing vessels.