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  • Landing Obligation

    How to effectively introduce the landing obligation is one of the most difficult issues facing the fishing industry under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.
  • Onshore Implications

    There will be specific onshore impacts of the landing obligation for ports, and potentially the supply chain as a whole.
  • North Sea Waters

    The landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in the North Sea from 2015 onwards, and is being introduced for all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy by 2019. When the landing obligation is fully implemented from 1 January 2019, skippers will be obliged to land all commercial quota species they catch.
  • North Western Waters

    The landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in North Western Waters from 2015 onwards, and is being introduced for all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy by 2019. When the landing obligation is fully implemented from 1 January 2019, skippers will be obliged to land all commercial quota species they catch.
  • Discards news and reports

    This page contains various documents, notes and publications which offer news and further information on discards.
  • Economic analysis

    The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) introduces a landing obligation to eliminate discarding. Seafish was asked to determine the potential economic implications of this discard ban on UK fleets.
  • The Common Fisheries Policy

    Of course, fish do not respect international boundaries and move freely in the oceans. This makes it difficult for individual EU countries to manage fish stocks in isolation.
  • Fishing gear technology and innovation

    We support the UK catching sector and wider supply chain stakeholders to develop innovative fishing gear through collaboration and resource sharing.
  • UK Gear Forum

    The UK Gear Forum brings together industry, researchers and governments to discuss and advance gear innovations to drive sustainability in fishing.
  • Selective gear technology for fishing

    We work with the fishing industry in the UK to develop selective gear technologies that improve net-based fishing.
  • Fishing Gear Database

    Our Fishing Gear Database provides information on how gear and selective devices work to make catching fish more efficient and reduce unwanted catch.
  • Gear