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  • PS - Purse Seine

    A purse seine is a large net used to surround a shoal of pelagic fish.
  • Queen Scallop Dredge

    A dredge used to target queen scallops are wider and higher than a traditional Newhaven scallop dredge.
  • SDN - Anchor Seine

    A net shot in the open sea using very long ropes to lay out the net and ropes on the seabed prior to hauling from a boat at anchor.
  • Semi-Pelagic Trawl

    A trawl towed on or very close to the seabed with the trawl doors swimming several metres off the seabed. 
  • Small Line

    A fishing method is similar to longline fishing but adapted to suit the smaller inshore vessels.
  • SSC - Scottish Seine

    In the Scottish seine the gear is shot on the seabed in a rounded triangle shape with very long weighted ropes attached to each end of the net.
  • Stake Net

    A net with a long vertical wall of netting held up by a line of strong wooden poles erected upwards from the beach.
  • Tangle Nets

    A gill net design where the netting is hung onto the ropes to create a greater amount of slack netting.
  • Trammel Nets

    Fishing nets similar to a gill net but are made up of three layers of netting.
  • Trolling

    Trolling is a method of fishing where the boat tows a line or lines with one or more hooks with a natural bait or an artificial lure.
  • Twin Rig Trawl - Mixed species twin rig

    A fishing method using two trawls side by side to target a mix of bottom living species and demersal round fish.
  • Twin Rig Trawl - Nephrops

    A method of towing two otter trawls side by side to target nephrops.