Web pages | Seafish

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  • Twin Rig Trawl - Sole twin rig

    A fishing method used by smaller vessels to target Dover sole. It involves towing two small trawls side by side.
  • Wreck Nets

    Wreck nets are types of gill or trammel nets that have been rigged to shoot over wrecks or areas of hard ground on the seabed.
  • Types of fishing gear

    Different kinds of gear have evolved to target particular species or groups of species. We have produced guidance on commonly used fishing gear.
  • Fishing Gear Glossary

    A glossary of equipment and technology.
  • Selective device

  • 4 Panel Cod-end

    By constructing a 4 panel cod-end, it allows the cod-end to remain more open and increases the flow of water, allowing the fish more space to swim.
  • Acoustic deterrents

    An acoustic deterrent is a device that emits pulses of high frequency sound to deter cetaceans from approaching fishing gear.
  • Amity Net Grid

    The amity net grid is a selective device designed to separate nephrops from fish.
  • Benthic Panel

    A benthic panel is a small panel of square mesh or large diamond mesh inserted in the bottom panel of a trawl.
  • Benthos Release Panel

    A Benthos or Benthic release panel is a panel of larger diamond mesh or square mesh netting fitted into the lower panel of a trawl.
  • Box Trawl

    A selective box trawl is made up of 4 panels of netting with these 4 panels carried right down to a 4 panel cod-end.
  • Cefas Net Grid

    The Cefas Net Grid is a selective device designed to separate nephrops from fish.