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We found 14 results for " marine plan aquaculture areas clarification final approved defra 31.1.18" in Web pages
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Inverlussa launch the UK’s first full hybrid aquaculture vessel
Inverlussa Marine Services has launched the UK’s first fully-hybrid aquaculture service vessel which will help reduce carbon emissions. -
Key Marine Environmental Legislative Requirements
Summary of key legislation and international commitments regarding the marine environment of relevance to the fishing and aquaculture industries. -
Marine Environmental Regulation
The UK vision is for a “clean, healthy, safe, productive, biologically diverse marine and coastal environments. -
Marine biotoxins
Marine biotoxins can occasionally contaminate some species of seafood, particularly filter feeding species. -
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
MPAs cover almost a quarter of UK waters and have a diverse range of conservation goals, including protecting fish, seabirds and habitats. -
Marine and Fisheries Management Regulation
Marine environment and fisheries regulations relevant to the seafood industry in the UK. Seafish is not responsible for regulation. -
Fishing For Litter: Partnering with the fishing industry to clean up our seas
KIMO International's Fishing For Litter project aims to reduce marine litter by working with the commercial fishing industry. -
Funding schemes for the UK seafood industry
This page has information on grants and funds that are available to UK seafood and marine businesses and organisations. -
The Clark brothers' story
International Fish Canners produce quality canned mackerel and sardine products. Find out how our marketing work helped them with their customers. -
Seafish Wales Advisory Committee (SWAC)
The SWAC provides a forum by which the seafood industry in Wales, through its representatives, can input into the decision making process of Seafish. -
Making fishing safer in the UK
Fishing is one of the riskiest jobs in the world. Find out how to make you, your crew and your fishing vessel safer. -
Improving safety at sea through vessel design in the pelagic sector
The Scottish pelagic fishing sector is making changes to the design of new fishing vessels to further improve safety at sea.