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We found 10 results for " marine plan aquaculture areas clarification final approved defra 31.1.18" in Web pages
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Will marine net gain make waves for fisheries and aquaculture?
Our Marine Environment Regulation Advisor highlights a Defra consultation on marine net gain and explains what it is and why it’s important. -
What happens when you add ‘Highly’ to Marine Protected Areas?
Our Marine Environment Regulation Advisor explains what Highly Protected Marine Areas are, how sites are selected and how they could impact fishers. -
The what, why and how of tackling marine wildlife bycatch
Our Marine Environment Regulation Advisor explains how the Marine Wildlife Bycatch Mitigation Initiative aims to protect sensitive marine species. -
Reviewing water quality management to help shellfish farmers
Our Marine Environment Regulation Advisor talks about our work on water quality classification to support sustainable bivalve shellfish production. -
Marine Environment News in Brief - August 2021
The latest news on regulation in the marine environment. This month features climate change, new funding, water company performance and consultations. -
Action to tackle marine litter at ports in Northern Ireland
Dr Annika Clements, our Regional Manager in Northern Ireland, talks about an upcoming project which aims to drive recycling efforts in the area. -
Why we can keep eating fish
In response to recent media coverage, Seafish's Operations Director Aoife Martin explains why its absolutely fine to eat responsibly harvested seafood -
Responding to Seaspiracy: 10 reasons to feel good about seafood in the UK
This week Netflix released Seaspiracy, a negative film about the seafood industry. Our Director of Operations Aoife Martin responds to the criticism. -
Two ways to make the fishing industry in the UK safer
Simon Potten, Head of Safety and Training, discusses how local engagement and more training could be the key to making the fishing industry safer. -
Daring to make gear more efficient
Mike Montgomerie looks back on over two decades working in gear technology.