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We found 50 results for "Food Additives and their use in seafood Feb 2011" in Web pages

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  • Beam Trawl - Shrimp beam trawl

    The shrimp beam trawl is used to target brown shrimp and is often used in shallow water.
  • Pots and Traps - Lobster

    The D shaped creel with two entrances is the favoured trap by many lobster fishermen.
  • Pots and Traps - Velvet Crab

    Traps or creels, used for velvet crab are similar to those used for lobster.
  • Pots and Traps - General

    Pots and traps are generally rigid structures into which fish or shellfish are guided through funnels that make entry easy but escape difficult.
  • Hand lines

    Fishing using a rod or hand held lines as a commercial venture in a similar manner to recreation angling. 
  • Beach Seine

    A net shot by hand or from a small boat in a circular shape and drawn ashore by hand from both ends, which targets fish living close to the shoreline.
  • Drift Nets

    This type of gill net is suspended in the water, usually just below the surface, but can be worked anywhere to target pelagic species.
  • Multi Rig Trawl - Nephrops triple rig

    In this rig three trawls are towed side by side using four trawl warps.
  • PS - Purse Seine

    A purse seine is a large net used to surround a shoal of pelagic fish.
  • Multi Rig - Quad rig

    A method of towing four otter trawls side by side.
  • Long line

    Long lining can be used to target both pelagic and demersal fish.
  • Pots and Traps - Brown Crab

    Two main shapes of trap are used to target brown crabs.