Web pages | Seafish

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We found 55 results for "Seafish FishmealandFishOil FactsandFigures2018" in Web pages
  • Seafish briefing notes

    There are a number of Seafish briefing notes.
  • Seafish

    Seafish is supporting the seafood industry to achieve the ultimate goal of eliminating unethical practices from UK seafood supply chains.
  • Seafish Guidance on writing a Modern Slavery Statement

    Seafish Guidance on writing a seafood-specific Modern Slavery Statement
  • Seafish assessment of ethical issues in seafood supply chains

    Seafish has published various research studies to assess risk and help seafood businesses respond to labour and worker welfare issues
  • Seafish work on social responsibility

    Seafish works proactively to improve supply chain integrity across the seafood sector and has a number of key work areas.
  • Seafood Ethics Common Language Group

    Seafish facilitates a Seafood Ethics Common Language Group to establish a common understanding of ethical issues and agree on future action.
  • Bivalve shellfish purification

    Information and guidance on building and operating bivalve shellfish purification systems.
  • Economic analysis

    The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) introduces a landing obligation to eliminate discarding. Seafish was asked to determine the potential economic implications of this discard ban on UK fleets.
  • Social License to Operate

    A social license to operate indicates the level of approval from the community that an industry has to operate. Seafish facilitated a workshop to explain the concept, how it works and the reasons for attaining and building high quality stakeholder relationships in this way.
  • Fishing Gear Database

    Our Fishing Gear Database provides information on how gear and selective devices work to make catching fish more efficient and reduce unwanted catch.
  • Animal sentience and welfare

    We’re working with industry and government to provide advice and guidance on animal welfare issues.
  • Understanding sustainability and responsible seafood sourcing

    We’ve collated information and guidance on sustainability, responsible sourcing and related challenges and initiatives across seafood supply chains.