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We found 63 results for "responsible sourcing guides" in Web pages
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Guides to explain sustainability and related issues
Our Sustainability and Data Advisor introduces our latest set of guides on issues relating to sustainability and responsible sourcing of seafood. -
Demystifying fisheries assessment and management practices
Bill Lart, Sustainability and Data Advisor within our Responsible Sourcing team, introduces Seafish’s new sustainable fisheries assessment and management guides. -
How the seafood industry can deliver climate change mitigation
Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about climate change mitigation and the importance of low carbon emissions in seafood production -
Tackling climate change between the COPs
Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about our ongoing work on climate change and seafood as the 27th UN climate change conference gets underway. -
Do we need a circular economy? Absolutely – here’s 3 reasons why
In Zero Waste Week our Head of Responsible Sourcing explains why transition to a circular economy is vital and looks at resource management in seafood -
Keeping seafood on the menu - a sustainability journey
Earlier this month FoodChain magazine published an opinion piece from our Head of Responsible Sourcing Dr Stuart McLanaghan – here’s an excerpt from the article. -
Fishing gear’s place amongst single-use plastics
Dr Stuart McLanaghan, our Head of Responsible Sourcing, explains why fishing gear is covered in the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive. -
SECLG: Recruitment challenges for the seafood sector
This meeting will look at responsible recruitment in the seafood sector and how to ensure the remediation of worker-paid recruitment fees. -
Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard sets course for best practice as Seafish passes baton to Global Seafood Assurances
The final Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) has been publicly shared for the first time today. -
CLG: Credibility and the seafood supply chain
This Common Language Group (CLG) bite-size meeting will address misinformation as a key issue facing a responsible seafood supply chain. -
Signs of recovery for seafood industry after tough five years
Seafish CEO welcomes renewed consumer confidence at Responsible Seafood Summit. -
Seafish Board
Details of the Seafish Board including biographies, minutes and register of interest.