Web pages | Seafish

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We found 466 results for "" in Web pages
  • Responsible sourcing

    The UK works hard to ensure it has a responsible seafood industry. Find out how to make your business more environmentally and socially responsible.
  • Understanding sustainability and responsible seafood sourcing

    We’ve collated information and guidance on sustainability, responsible sourcing and related challenges and initiatives across seafood supply chains.
  • Bycatch and protected species

    There is action underway to minimise to fishing bycatch and to monitor protected species.
  • Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

    MPAs cover almost a quarter of UK waters and have a diverse range of conservation goals, including protecting fish, seabirds and habitats.
  • Fish stock assessment and management

    Sustainable fisheries management is vital in maintaining healthy fish stocks. We’ve produced guidance on how stock assessment and management works.
  • Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing

    Unauthorised fishing or activity that breaches regional, national or international laws is known as Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
  • UK fisheries management and supply chain initiatives

    We’re working with industry and government on a number of initiatives to protect fish and shellfish stocks for future generations.
  • Risk assessments and tools for fisheries management

    We’ve developed risk assessment frameworks for wild capture fisheries. Find out how they support fisheries management and seafood sourcing.
  • Future of Our Inshore Fisheries

    Future of Our Inshore Fisheries (FOIF) is an industry-led project with the long-term aim of transforming how inshore fisheries are managed.
  • Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs)

    Information on what Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) are, which plans we are helping to develop and opportunities for stakeholder engagement.
  • Fisheries management plans in Wales

    Information on FMPs in Wales, offering stakeholders the chance to engage in the process to support a profitable and sustainable fishing industry.
  • Shellfish Industry Advisory Group

    The Shellfish Industry Advisory Group (SIAG) provides a forum to discuss sustainability and management of UK shellfish fisheries.
  • Crab and Lobster Management Group

    The Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) is an industry-led group focused on issues specific to crab and lobster stocks and fisheries.
  • Whelk Management Group

    The Whelk Management Group (WMG) focuses on the management of the UK whelk fishery to ensure its long-term sustainability.
  • Finfish Advisory Group

    The Finfish Advisory Group (FiAG) provides a forum to discuss sustainability and management of UK finfish non-quota species fisheries.
  • Project UK Fisheries Improvement Projects

    A collaborative stakeholder partnership project with the MSC that aims to improve the environmental sustainability of selected UK fisheries.
  • Managing discards

    Discards are the parts of a catch returned to the sea. Discarding is the practice of returning unwanted catches to the sea, either dead or alive.
  • Landing Obligation

    How to effectively introduce the landing obligation is one of the most difficult issues facing the fishing industry under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.
  • Onshore Implications

    There will be specific onshore impacts of the landing obligation for ports, and potentially the supply chain as a whole.
  • North Sea Waters

    The landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in the North Sea from 2015 onwards, and is being introduced for all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy by 2019. When the landing obligation is fully implemented from 1 January 2019, skippers will be obliged to land all commercial quota species they catch.
  • North Western Waters

    The landing obligation was introduced in fisheries of interest to the UK fleet in North Western Waters from 2015 onwards, and is being introduced for all fisheries covered by the Common Fisheries Policy by 2019. When the landing obligation is fully implemented from 1 January 2019, skippers will be obliged to land all commercial quota species they catch.
  • Discards news and reports

    This page contains various documents, notes and publications which offer news and further information on discards.
  • Economic analysis

    The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) introduces a landing obligation to eliminate discarding. Seafish was asked to determine the potential economic implications of this discard ban on UK fleets.
  • The Common Fisheries Policy

    Of course, fish do not respect international boundaries and move freely in the oceans. This makes it difficult for individual EU countries to manage fish stocks in isolation.
  • Nephrops Fishery Improvement Project

    More information on our Nephrops Fishery Improvement Project is coming soon.
  • Fishing gear technology and innovation

    We support the UK catching sector and wider supply chain stakeholders to develop innovative fishing gear through collaboration and resource sharing.
  • UK Gear Forum

    The UK Gear Forum brings together industry, researchers and governments to discuss and advance gear innovations to drive sustainability in fishing.
  • Selective gear technology for fishing

    We work with the fishing industry in the UK to develop selective gear technologies that improve net-based fishing.
  • Fishing Gear Database

    Our Fishing Gear Database provides information on how gear and selective devices work to make catching fish more efficient and reduce unwanted catch.
  • Gear

  • Bag net

    A bag net is an environmental method of targeting fish that are close inshore.
  • Beach Seine

    A net shot by hand or from a small boat in a circular shape and drawn ashore by hand from both ends, which targets fish living close to the shoreline.
  • Beam Trawl - Chain Mat Gear

    This beam trawl is similar to other beam trawls in that it is held open by a steel bar with shoes on each end.
  • Beam Trawl - Open gear

    The beam trawl - open gear is designed to stimulate the fish out of the mud and over the footrope of the trawl.
  • Beam Trawl - Shrimp beam trawl

    The shrimp beam trawl is used to target brown shrimp and is often used in shallow water.
  • Beam Trawl - Sumwing

    In this fishing method of beam trawling, the beam is replaced with 'wing' style of beam without any beam shoes at the ends.
  • Demersal Trawl - General

    A demersal trawl is a cone shaped net that is towed on the seabed to target demersal fish species.
  • Demersal Trawl - Nephrops hopper trawl

    A nephrops trawl is designed and rigged to be towed over rough seabeds to target nephrops.
  • Demersal Trawl - Nephrops trawl

    A low demersal trawl towed on the seabed, with the mouth held open by a pair of otter boards (trawl doors) designed to target nephrops.
  • Demersal Trawl - Rockhopper trawl

    The rockhopper, or hopper trawl, is a  trawl that is towed on the seabed, with the mouth held open by a pair of otter boards (trawl doors).
  • Demersal Trawl - Scraper net

    A long low, demersal trawl towed on the seabed, with the mouth held open by a pair of otter boards (trawl doors).
  • Demersal Trawl - Sole Trawl

    A trawl towed on the seabed, with the mouth held open by a pair of otter boards (trawl doors) designed and rigged to target Dover sole.
  • DRB - Scallop Dredge

    A scallop dredge is a rigid structure with a chain mail collecting bag, towed on the seabed to target king scallops.
  • Drift Nets

    This type of gill net is suspended in the water, usually just below the surface, but can be worked anywhere to target pelagic species.
  • Fyke Net

    A fyke net is a type of fish trap and are generally operated in shallow coastal waters, such as estuaries and sheltered bays.
  • Gill Nets

    A gill net is a single wall of netting anchored on the seabed to catch fish that swim into it.
  • Hand lines

    Fishing using a rod or hand held lines as a commercial venture in a similar manner to recreation angling. 
  • Jigging

    Jigging is a method of fishing. Hooks are attached to artificial lures to attract and capture fish.
  • LA Ring Net

    A LA Ring Net is a long net that is shot to surround a shoal of pelagic fish with a ‘wall’ of netting.
  • Long line

    Long lining can be used to target both pelagic and demersal fish.
  • Multi Rig - Quad rig

    A method of towing four otter trawls side by side.
  • Multi Rig Trawl - Nephrops triple rig

    In this rig three trawls are towed side by side using four trawl warps.