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  • Migrant Workers Rights Network

    The Migrant Workers Rights Network (MWRN) is a membership based organisation for migrant workers from Myanmar residing and working mainly in Thailand.
  • Modern Slavery Act Registry

    The UK Home Office has recently launched an online modern slavery statement registry.
  • Modern Slavery Index 2017 (MSI)

    The Modern Slavery Index 2017 (MSI) assessed the risk to business of exposure to practices of slavery, servitude, trafficking in persons and forced labour. This study was produced by global risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft.
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium

    The non-profit Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA) aims to inspire conservation of the ocean.
  • Naturland

    Naturland is a German-based organic farming association with standards for organic aquaculture and wild-capture fish.
  • NEXUS Institute

    The NEXUS Institute is an independent international human rights research and policy centre, dedicated to ending human trafficking as well as other abuses and offenses that intersect with human rights and international criminal law.
  • Norwegian requirements for social sustainability in wild caught fisheries

    Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF) survey to identify standards for social sustainability.
  • One Earth Future

    One Earth Future (OEF) Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 2007 with a vision of developing effective, multi-stakeholder systems of governance to achieve a world beyond war, or ‘Peace Through Governance’.
  • Oxfam International

    Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 NGOs working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty.
  • Oxfam Novib

    Oxfam Novib is a world-wide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty. Around the globe, they work to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive.
  • PAS 1550:2017 Exercising due diligence in establishing the legal origin of seafood products & marine ingredients

    Exercising due diligence in establishing the legal origin of seafood products and marine ingredients – importing and processing – Code of Practice.
  • Press articles on ethical issues in seafood supply chains

    Various concerns regarding abuses of workers engaged in the seafood industry have steadily attracted more attention from the media.