Web pages | Seafish

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We found 158 results for "project inshore report" in Web pages
  • Governance and Outlook

    Mussels Aquaculture Profile - Governance and Outlook.
  • Farm Siting

    White Leg Prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaculture Profile - Farm Siting.
  • Feed

    Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Aquaculture Profile - Feed.
  • Feed

    Turbot (Psetta maxima) Aquaculture Profile - Disease, Medicines and Chemicals.
  • Governance and Outlook

    Scallops Aquaculture Profile - Governance and Outlook.
  • Packaging and waste legislation

    Packaging and waste legislation protects consumers and reduces the seafood industry's carbon footprint. Read our guidance on what applies to seafood.
  • Leading assurance across the UK seafood supply chain

    ‘Supply chain integrity’, ‘product assurance’ and ‘risk mitigation’ are common parlance in today’s food manufacturing sector, and the seafood industry is no different.
  • Omega-3 labelling and other claims

    If you choose to highlight the Omega-3 content or health benefits of your product, this may be classed as making a nutrition or health claim. These types of claims are regulated by The Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation.
  • Animal by-product disposal

    The disposal of animal by-products is controlled by legislation which other forms of waste are not affected by.
  • Safeguarding the fish of the future to protect the nation’s favourite dish

    Our Trade Marketing Manager Andy Gray answers questions about the sustainability of the essential ingredient in the nation’s favourite takeaway.
  • Sep-Nep codend

    The Sep-Nep is an inclined panel of diamond netting to sieve the nephrops into the lower chamber and direct the fish into the upper chamber.
  • Pair Trawl

    In this fishing method a demersal trawl is towed by two boats simultaneously, one towing each side of the trawl.