Web pages | Seafish

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We found 255 results for "issue 25 2013 oil gas" in Web pages
  • Wild Seed

    Mussels Aquaculture Profile - Wild Seed.
  • ILO Report. Fishers First - Good practices to end labour exploitation at sea

    The Fishers First report focuses on good practices and innovative interventions to improve labour conditions and protect vulnerable workers in the fisheries sector.
  • The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review

    Report covers nine key voluntary sustainability standards operating at the global level in the capture fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
  • Sources, Quantities and Cultivation Methods

    Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Aquaculture Profile - Sources, quantities and cultivation methods.
  • Disease, Medicines and Chemicals

    Tilapia (Oreochromis / Sarotherodon / Tilapia spp.) Aquaculture Profile - Disease, medicines and chemicals.
  • Nutrient Pollution

    Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Aquaculture Profile - Nutrient Pollution.
  • Escapes and Introductions

    Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Aquaculture Profile - Escapes and Introductions.
  • Seafish assessment of ethical issues in seafood supply chains

    Seafish has published various research studies to assess risk and help seafood businesses respond to labour and worker welfare issues
  • Marin Trust

    The MarinTrust Standard (formerly the IFFO RS Standard) is an initiative of Marine Ingredients Certifications Ltd.
  • CLG: Fish stock status in the Northeast Atlantic

    A virtual eventon 16th November looking at the latest ICES advice on the key commercial species in the Northeast Atlantic. Register to attend.
  • CLG: Fish stock status in the Northeast Atlantic

    A virtual eventon 16th November looking at the latest ICES advice on the key commercial species in the Northeast Atlantic. Register to attend.
  • Disease, Medicines and Chemicals

    Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Aquaculture Profile - Disease, medicines and chemicals.
  • Certification

    Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    White Leg Prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Oysters Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Scallops Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    European Sea Bass (Dicentrachus labrax) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Pangasius (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Tilapia (Oreochromis / Sarotherodon / Tilapia spp.) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Certification

    Turbot (Psetta maxima) Aquaculture Profile - Certification.
  • Governance and Outlook

    Atlantic Salmon – (Salmon salar) Aquaculture Profile - Governance and Outlook.
  • Sources, Quantities and Cultivation Methods

    Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) - Sources, quantities and cultivation methods.
  • Wild Seed

    Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) Aquaculture Profile - Wild Seed.
  • FMIG: Climate-smart mitigation for UK fisheries

    Our next FMIG meeting will look at how the UK catching sector can contribute to net-zero targets while continuing to operate sustainably & profitably.
  • FMIG: Climate-smart mitigation for UK fisheries

    Our next FMIG meeting will look at how the UK catching sector can contribute to net-zero targets while continuing to operate sustainably & profitably.
  • Certification

    Mussels Aquaculture Profile - Certification.