Web pages | Seafish

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We found 376 results for "FINAL Seafish Processing Sector Labour Analysis FINAL 20170925v" in Web pages
  • Sea Change program

    Thai Union’s Sea Change program is a corporate strategy designed to promote environmental and social sustainability within the company’s supply chains
  • Social Accountability International SA8000 Standard

    A voluntary standard for auditable third-party verification, setting out the requirements to be met by organisations.
  • Oxfam International

    Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 NGOs working with partners in over 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty.
  • Wild Seed

    Mussels Aquaculture Profile - Wild Seed.
  • Apprise smartphone app

    Apprise; a smartphone app helping NGOs & authorities identify potential victims of exploitation/trafficking during investigations & rescue operations.
  • Modern Slavery Act Registry

    The UK Home Office has recently launched an online modern slavery statement registry.
  • Governance and Outlook

    Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) Aquaculture Profile - Governance and Outlook.
  • Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions

    Connecting leading conservation groups that work with businesses representing over 80% of the North American grocery and food-service markets.
  • Square Mesh Panels

    The square mesh panel is one of the most common used and well known selective devices.
  • Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF)

    Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication.
  • Marin Trust

    The MarinTrust Standard (formerly the IFFO RS Standard) is an initiative of Marine Ingredients Certifications Ltd.
  • Governance and Outlook

    White Leg Prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaculture Profile - Governance and Outlook.