Web pages | Seafish

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We found 618 results for "Seafood Consumption 2016 update" in Web pages
  • Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI)

    Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) is a national organisation working to promote justice, empowerment and equality for migrants and their families.
  • Stronger Together

    Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder collaborative initiative whose purpose is to support businesses to tackle modern slavery in supply chains.
  • Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS)

    The Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) is a voluntary vessel based programme.
  • Celebrating the Northern Ireland Seafood Industry in Film: Fishers, Farmers & Our Coastal Communities

    From the fishermen who toil to bring home fantastic fresh seafood and the shellfish farmers who grow it; to the auctioneers and processors; fishmongers and fish fryers; these new films will look at the rarely-seen world of our seafood industry through interviews with those who are at its heart.
  • Plastic Packaging Tax guidance

    If you manufacture or import plastic packaging, you may need to register for Plastic Packaging Tax. Our guidance is for seafood businesses only.
  • Plastic packaging in scope

    Plastic Packaging Tax is due on some non-recycled plastic packaging used in the seafood supply chain. Find out what is and isn’t included.
  • Plastic packaging taxes in the EU

    Businesses exporting seafood from the UK to the EU should be aware of plastic packaging taxes in the EU. This page explains what you need to know.
  • Consumer research

    The first step in changing behaviour is knowing what really drives consumers. We commission research into attitudes towards buying and eating seafood.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

    We produce climate change adaptation reports and keep a watching brief on how climate change impacts on UK seafood supply chains.
  • About us

    We are the public body supporting the seafood industry in the UK to thrive. Find out about who we are, what we do and how we are funded.
  • Governance and performance

    Seafish is led by an Executive team and governed by a Board and three seafood industry sector panels. We publish annual accounts on our performance.
  • Are Extended Producer Responsibility packaging regulations on your radar?

    Some seafood businesses may need to start reporting packaging data to comply with new recycling regulations. Read our blog to find out more.