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We found 376 results for "FINAL Seafish Processing Sector Labour Analysis FINAL 20170925v" in Web pages
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Fair Trade USA Capture Fisheries program
Fair Trade USA, a non-profit organisation, is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. -
UN Global Compact interactive map of anti-trafficking organisations
Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking and partners launch map to help business collaborate with anti-slavery organisations. -
Global Tuna Alliance
An independent group of retailers and supply-chain companies. -
Nutrient Pollution
European Sea Bass (Dicentrachus labrax) Aquaculture Profile - Nutrient Pollution. -
SSC - Scottish Seine
In the Scottish seine the gear is shot on the seabed in a rounded triangle shape with very long weighted ropes attached to each end of the net. -
USAID Supply Unchained
USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty & enable resilient, democratic societies to realise their potential. -
Hand lines
Fishing using a rod or hand held lines as a commercial venture in a similar manner to recreation angling. -
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR)
A coalition of 300 member organizations comprised of faith communities, socially responsible asset managers and investors, unions, pensions and NGOs. -
Sources, Quantities and Cultivation Methods
Oysters Aquaculture Profile - Sources, quantities and cultivation methods. -
Pelagic Pair Trawl
A trawl towed in mid-water between two vessels to target pelagic fish. -
Disease, Medicines and Chemicals
Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Aquaculture Profile - Disease, medicines and chemicals. -
Disease, Medicines and Chemicals
European Sea Bass (Dicentrachus labrax) Aquaculture Profile - Disease, medicines and chemicals.