Web pages | Seafish

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We found 390 results for "Food Additives and their use in seafood Feb 2011" in Web pages
  • Atlantic Halibut

    The Atlantic halibut is a large flatfish that can reach a weight of over 300kg in the wild.
  • Mussels

    Mussel farming extends across temperate and tropical regions in inshore environments, as well as in deeper, offshore waters.
  • Species farmed in aquaculture

    We’ve collated information on commonly farmed species of fish and shellfish and how they are classified.
  • Managing end of life fishing gear and aquaculture equipment

    Fishing gear or aquaculture equipment lost in our oceans creates a challenging problem. We’re working with industry and government to find solutions.
  • Acoustic deterrents

    An acoustic deterrent is a device that emits pulses of high frequency sound to deter cetaceans from approaching fishing gear.
  • Plastix: Providing a unique solution to a complicated problem

    Plastix is a Danish recycling company which aims to provide more sustainable solutions for cleaner environments and oceans. It specialises in converting fibres - primarily from used fishnets and ropes - that could previously have ended up in the ocean or on landfill into high-grade raw materials which can be used to create new products.
  • Scallops

    Scallop production extends across the world in cold and warm water regions, with China dominating commercial production.
  • European Sea Bass

    The European sea bass aquaculture industry has grown strongly since the early 1990s and represents one of the most important farmed species.
  • Gilthead Sea Bream

    The Gilthead sea bream aquaculture industry represents one of the most important farmed species in the Mediterranean.
  • Calculating the Spread of Trawl Doors

    Guidance for skippers on calculating the spread of trawl doors.
  • Rainbow Trout

    Rainbow trout was one of the first species whose life cycle was fully replicated under farmed conditions and can be farmed in a variety of systems.
  • Escapes and Introductions

    White Leg Prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei) Aquaculture Profile - Escapes and Introductions.