Melamine | Seafish


Melamine is a contaminant that is controlled by legislation in the EU.

Melamine was identified as a contaminant of pet food and dairy products from China in 2007 and 2008. There have been no reports in Europe of seafood contaminated with melamine.

Although not observed in practice, there is the possibility that melamine may be present in farmed fishery products if the fish or other live product has been fed with contaminated feed. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers that should contamination occur by this route, it would be unlikely to pose a risk to human health.

Food Permitted maximum level (mg/kg)

All food with the exception of infant formula and follow-on formula


Powdered infant formula and follow-on formula, marketed as powder


Powdered infant formula and follow-on formula, marketed as liquid 


For more details, see the relevant legislation: 1881/2006, amended by 594/2012.