Working towards better water quality in partnership with aquaculture — Seafish

Working towards better water quality in partnership with aquaculture

Shellfish harvesting areas are classified as ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ depending on the level of E.coli found in the shellfish. Category ‘A’ production areas can go straight to market without any treatment. Shellfish from category ‘B’ harvesting areas need to be Depurated or relayed. Category ‘C’ shellfish have to be heat treated. This paper shows the elevation of E.coli associated with cattle having access to water courses. Remedial action by restricting assess by adequate fencing and control of these animals reduces the microbial burden on shellfish production areas. Bivalve mollusc, shellfish, cattle, E.coli, sensitive farming, Slurry, Classification, production areas, pacific oyster, Feeder streams, polluting, coastal, water, Electric Fence, Excluded, Shellfish farm.
Publication date
01 March 2011


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