Pilot Trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK: Phase 1 Report — Seafish

Pilot Trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK: Phase 1 Report

High pressure processing studies were carried out on 11 species of fish and shellfish in order to determine whether there were any potential processing benefits for the UK seafood processing industry. The species tested were: Nephrops norvegicus, mussels, oysters, crab, cold water prawns, lobster, warm water prawns, unsmoked salmon, squid, mackerel and cod. In each case, a 20-run experimental design was employed and six of the 20 runs (from a single design block) were evaluated for sensory quality compared with a control sample. After processing, all 20 runs were evaluated for survival of TVCs, coliforms and pseudomonads. In some products, measurements of yield were carried out to determine whether HPP offered any processing benefits, e.g. for peeling, picking or shucking of seafood.
Publication date
01 February 2008


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