A Study of Low Cost Recirulation Aquaculture — Seafish

A Study of Low Cost Recirulation Aquaculture

The overarching goal of this study is to attempt to demonstrate a low-cost approach to recirculation aquaculture of turbot (Psetta maxima), a high value marine flatfish. The two main assumptions of the project are: • Recirculation aquaculture (for UK industry) is inherently desirable because it allows species diversification, enhances biosecurity and minimises environmental impact • Current recirculation systems are too expensive for the production of fish for human consumption, and would be vulnerable to price declines in the market as aquaculture expands in the future – and are thus not good investment propositions for the industry The project reared its own juvenile turbot at the Marine Farming Unit in Ardtoe, with eggs sourced from France Turbot.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 July 2002


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