Quality Audit of the Port of Whitby — Seafish

Quality Audit of the Port of Whitby

This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Whitby that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls. The quality of fish supplied to the market is generally good but let down by day-boats not using ice and by poor standards of gutting by some boats. The fish market is refrigeerated and generally maintained to a high standard but suffers from inadequate space for handling and transport ex-market that is compounded by public right of access. The standard of hygiene on the market is poor despite the introduction of a code of practice with smoking, drinking, eating and walking on fish boxes commonplace. Wash-down of the market floor is adequate but improvements could be made to cleaning of the wall, market equipment and oxes. Recommendation is made for establishing standards, procedures and controls, including documented records of monitoring and a policy for enforcement and for training.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 August 2000


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