Multi-Layer Mussel Purification Tank — Seafish

Multi-Layer Mussel Purification Tank

This report describes the trials which subsequently took place following the design of the stainless steel multi-layer tank by Bead Engineering, to Seafish specification, and its installation at the premises of Heiploeg Lynn. The trials were conducted by Seafish as part of its 1988/89 MAFF Research Commission, Project NBA 16. A total of eighteen purifications were made with the tank using a single initial mix of artificial seawater to which ten percent make-up was added at each use. Bacteriological analysis showed that mussels purified satisfactorily throughout the trials and there was no detrimental effect on mussel storage life. It became clear during the trials that water temperature needed to be kept between 5° and 10°C to ensure satisfactory purification. This makes it essential to house the tank in a building in order to maintain temperature control. Following the first twelve trials the effect of overloading trays/boxes with mussels was investigated and it was possible to establish a safety margin on the nominal load of 15kg per box. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 March 1989


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