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    Designation of Auction Centres and Registration of Buyers and Sellers of First Sale Fish

    A new scheme is being introduced that will require buyers and sellers of first sale fish and shellfish landed into the UK to register with Fisheries Departments. It will also require the designation of auction centres and fish markets at which such fish is sold. Fisheries Departments have established a joint implementation advisory group with stakeholders to provide advice on implementing the new scheme. This guide has been produced with the aim of providing informal, non-statutory guidance for businesses of what is required of them in order to register (whether a fish auction centre, or as a buyer or seller of fish), submit sales notes and maintain appropriate records of first sale fish. This guide is advisory and does not have any legal status. Ultimately, only the courts can decide whether, in particular circumstances, an offence has been committed.
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    Use of shell in aggregates_B54

    Shell waste is a major financial and operational burden on the shellfish industry. Although there are, in theory, many uses for shell, there is no singular solution to treat or utilise these materials as by-products and little infrastructure to take shell across the UK. Where infrastructure exists, it is often disjointed or only works on a localised level. Seafood processors are often unaware of potential opportunities. Most processors rely on disposal outlets which can cost up to £150 per tonne of waste making it a very costly problem. This study has undertaken an assessment of the availability of suitable shellfish waste for aggregate applications. In summary, ~43,000t of shell aggregates could be available from the current production of cockle, crab, mussel, oyster, whelk, queen and king scallops. An assessment has been made regarding the availability of these different shell types, market opportunities, technologies to treat the shell and costs.
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    Further Trials to Extend the Storage Life of Cod and Mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone

    This report details a series of laboratory trials which follow on from initial work reported in SR498. Trials were carried out to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite and ozone on the quality of cod and mackerel in refrigerated seawater (RSW). In addition, trials were carried out to determine the effect of ozone on boxed and iced fish, held in a gas flushed hold or chill store. The rate at which ozone naturally decayed to a safe level was also determined, along with the effectiveness of ozone as a surface disinfectant. A trial was also carried out to determine the level of ozone in the hold of a fishing vessel fitted with an ozone generator, during a fishing trip.
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    A demonstration of "Outrigger Trawling" in the SW of England on MFV Admiral Gordon

    The aim of the project was to demonstrate an alternative fishing method commonly known as Outrigger trawling. This involved replacing the heavy beam trawls which are normally towed by the vessel with two demersal trawls, each trawl spread with its own set of trawl doors and towed from the derricks. This change alone will have a significant impact on bottom and gear drag. The steady increase in fuel prices was another driver for the fleet to look at alternatives to beam trawling. By adopting the outrigger fishing method vessels can reduce their fuel consumption enabling increased profitability and a reduction in environmental impact.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2019/2020

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2019/2020 and information on future developments.
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    Environmental Data Gathering for Environmental Assessments_Basic Seabed Habitat Mapping using Acoustic Ground Discrimination Sonar and Underwater Video

    A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007).
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    Further Trials of the Pumpable Icing of Fish

    Pumpable ice is a slurry of fine crystals or particles of ice, suspended in brine or seawater. An excellent cooling medium, when applied to fish the slurry effectively envelopes or blankets the product and extracts heat quickly.
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