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    South West Advisory Committee (SWACC) Minutes - December 2023

    Minutes from Seafish South West Advisory Committee (SSWAC) meeting held on 7 December 2023.
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    Summary Report into Oyster and Clam Purification Criteria

    During the period December 1991 to April 1992 Seafish carried out a series of trials to investigate the purification of native oysters (Ostrea edulis) and three commercial species of clam, hard shell (Mercenaria mercenaria), manila (Tapes philippinarum) and native (Tapes decussatus). Experimental purification tanks were used and relative activity levels at different seawater temperatures and mollusc densities assessed by visual observation, dissolved oxygen depletion, uptake of red dye and bacteriological analysis. The trials indicated that the current minimum seawater temperatures specified for the purification of native oysters and hard shell clams were too low whereas manila clams were active at much lower temperatures. Stacking native oysters four deep and manila and native clams in 130mm layers did not appear to cause any reduction in activity. The scope of the trials was limited as a result of difficulties in obtaining sufficiently polluted shellfish resulting in no positive bacteriological result. However, some recommendations are made. To assist in the approval of purification systems MAFF and Seafish have developed a technique for the artificial dosing of bivalve molluscs with the bacteria Esheria coil, so far used with mussels and pacific oysters. The opportunity was taken to use this technique during some of the trials. Native oysters were dosed satisfactorily but some difficulty was experienced with manila clams and a larger dose and longer immersion time were required. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fishmeal and Feed Fisheries Group. News alert. April 2024.

    Quarterly news alert sent to fishmeal and feed fish news subscribers on 7 May 2024.
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    Risk Assessment for Sourcing Seafood (RASS) profile; sardines (Sardina pilchardus) off Northwest Africa captured in Moroccan fisheries

    This is a summary of information on the sardine (Sardina pilchardus) fished using pelagic seines and trawls, off Northwest Africa in Moroccan waters derived from scientific assessments and risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring Guidance version 2.
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    Online Elementary Food Hygiene Segment Two: A more detailed look at bacteria

    This is the second segment of the written learning materials for the Elementary Food Hygiene (online) training programme.
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    Online Elementary Food Hygiene Segment Ten: Essential food hygiene for fish friers

    This is the tenth segment of the written learning materials for the Elementary Food Hygiene (online) training programme.
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - infographic

    This infographic illustrates climate change drivers relevant to aquaculture and seafood supply chains. Example impacts and adaptation actions are provided for salmon, trout, bivalve shellfish, seabass, seabream, pangasius, tilapia, and warm water prawn.
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    An Investigation of the Performance of the Tangle Nets used off North Cornwall

    An Investigation of the Performance of the Tangle Nets used off North Cornwall.
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    UK Seafood Supply Chain Overview: October-December 2023

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during October to December 2023.
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    Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee Minutes - January 2024

    Minutes from Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC) meeting held on 23 January 2024.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Cod - June 2024

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of cod in the retail, foodservice and trade markets.
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    Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee Minutes - September 2023

    Minutes from Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC) meeting held on 12 September 2023.
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    Fishermen and Port Workers Covid-19 A4 Poster

    Produced with Defra’s Marine and Fisheries Safer Working Group, this poster provides safe working guidance to fishermen and workers in and around ports and harbours.
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    Seafish Industry Meeting Discussion Guidelines. May 2015.

    The legitimate purpose of meetings facilitated by the Sea Fish Industry Authority is to discuss matters which affect the UK seafood industry.
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    Board Register of Members' Interests

    Board register of members' interests up to 13 November 2023.
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    Fishmeal and Feed Fisheries Group. News alert. January 2024.

    Quarterly news alert sent to fishmeal and feed fish news subscribers on 31 January 2024.
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    Board Minutes - 22 November 2023

    Minutes from the Seafish Board meeting on 22 November 2023.
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    An Investigation of the Performance of Tangle Nets used off North Cornwall

    These trials assessed and quantified both the selectivity of tangle nets and the loss of quality that can occur through excessive soak times.
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    Form L5 Shellfish

    Levy return form
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    Danish Prawn Trawl Multi Rig

    An illustration of a 4 trawl system.
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    UK Seafood Trade Report October to December 2023

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the UK seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during October to December 2023.
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    Draft Regulation

    Draft Regulation text on proposed amendments to the Seafish Levy.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Haddock - June 2024

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of haddock in the retail, foodservice and trade markets.
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    Improved Selectivity in Demersal Trawl Gear

    This report describes work undertaken by Seafish under MAFF Commission MF0601. The work investigated how best to position mesh panels in Nephrops trawls to reduce the by-catch levels of white fish. The work was very much practically biased: sea trials were carried out under commercial conditions and took into account problems associated with fishermen’s acceptance of gear innovations. Principal among these was any loss of marketable catch. The trials vessel MFV Heather Sprig operated a twin trawl system. One trawl was rigged with a conventionally sited square mesh panel and three variants were fished against that trawl. Ten days of sea trials were undertaken. In evaluating the variants a number of factors were taken into account: This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Re-appraisal of Existing Operating Criteria for the Purification of Vivalve Molluscs in the UK

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Evaluation of by-catch reduction devices in UK Nephrops fisheries - The use of separator trawls in the Irish Sea

    The work described in this report is part of an ongoing programme aimed at optimising whitefish selectivity through the more effective use of technical conservation measures, by-catch reduction devices (BRDs).
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    Risk Assessment for Sourcing Seafood (RASS) profile; European lobster (Homarus gammarus) landed in Newlyn

    This document is a summary of information on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) targeted using pots/traps by vessels which land into Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall and is risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring Guidance version 2.
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    Demersal Pair Trawling Information

    This information sheet has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies.
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    Deep Water Fishing Voyage, MT 'Luneda', Feb 74

    The wet fish stern trawler LUNEDA (J. Marr and Sons, Fleetwood) was chartered by the White fish authority on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for a 14 day voyage in February 1974. The purpose of the voyage was to make a start upon the assessment of the commercial viability of the stocks of deep water fish, especially grenadiers, which had been found in depths between 400 and 700 fathoms in surveys in 1973. During the voyage only 8 days fishing were possible because of bad weather conditions but the vessel nevertheless landed 680, ten stone kits of various species. The proportion of grenadiers landed (27% of the catch) was lower than anticipated from the earlier surveys but this was more than compensated for by a high catch (329 kits) of blue ling, which was not expected at these depths in these quantities. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Turbot Hatchery Production 1982

    During 1982 the Ardtoe Hatchery of the Sea Fish Industry Authority transferred over 59,000 young fish to the weaning unit, the greatest number of turbot produced at Ardtoe in a single year. However, the season was marked by consistently low larval survivals, the high production being achieved by greatly increasing the number of batches handled (73 batches in 1982, 39 in 1981, 27 in 1980). A total of 1,472,000 larvae were stocked producing a survival of 78,600 (5.3%) at day twenty (d20) and 59,000 (4.0%) on transfer to weaning tanks. The survival to weaning compares with 5.3% in 1981 and 13% in 1980. There was a reduced dependence on eggs from other units in 1982, 54% of day one (d1) originating at Ardtoe compared with 18% in 1981 and 38% in 1980. There were also indications, for the first time, that larvae from Ardtoe produced eggs exhibited better eventual survival than those from other sources. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP)

    DSP is an illness that can occur when eating seafood, usually shellfish, that contain biotoxins.
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    SFIN 19 - Bilge pumping systems

    Notification of an amendment to the way in which Seafish enforces the bilge pumping rules stipulated in the Seafish Construction Standards for New Fishing Vessels 15m Length Overall to 24m Registered Length.
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    South West Advisory Committee (SWACC) Minutes - June 2023

    Minutes from Seafish South West Advisory Committee (SSWAC) meeting held on 5 June 2023.