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    Labour in UK seafood processing 2018 Annual Report

    This report presents the findings of Seafish's annual survey of workforce composition in the seafood processing sector in 2017 and results of the first quarterly survey on ease of recruitment and retention of staff in the seafood processing sector.
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    Report on Pulsed Light Processing of Seafood

    The aim of this project was to assess the potential for the use of pulsed light to extend the shelf-life of seafood by reducing the microbial loading on the product surface. Trials were undertaken to establish if pulsed light could reduce the level of naturally present organisms including Pseudomonas on raw cod, smoked salmon slices and cooked whelks. Further trials explored the inactivation of Listeria innocua inoculated onto the surface of cooked cockles, cooked and picked crab meat, smoked salmon slices and cooked whelks.
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    Trial of acoustic deterrents for prevention of porpoise by-catch (porpoise pingers) Phase 2 and 3 Endurance and Tangle

    This study details the practicalities of attachment, deployment and testing of acoustic deterrents (porpoise pingers) within the Celtic sea gill net fishery.
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    Sustainable brown shrimp fishery - is pulse fishing a promising option?

    This report has been funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in the frame of the project “Ökologisch verträgliche Krabbenfischerei” – “Sustainable brown shrimp fishery” (FKZ 3512 85 0400).
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    Headline Findings Pan European Crab Omnimas: FS83_10_13

    This factsheet provides summary information about purchasing and consumption preferences of youger consumers in european contries when buying brown products. Countieas covered are UK, Ireland, Portugal, Spain,Germany, France and Italy
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    Quick summary of June 2011 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2011 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    UK Fishing: Past, Present and Future

    This note aims to help readers to better understand what’s happening in the UK fishing industry. This is to reassure buyers that UK-caught fish can, and should, be a component of the supply chain.The various sections describe the modern catching sector, explain how the industry is coming to terms with new responsibilities and shows how it’s playing its part in the stewardship of the marine environment.
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    Loading capacities and criteria for the successful depuration of cockles (Cardium edule) in small scale standard design depuration systems

    These trials set out to investigate whether increased loadings oc cockles could be successfully depurated using the current standard of 30kg for comparison. Initial trials also involved a comparison between hand-raked cockles and cockles harvested by a towed-cage fluidized-bed dredge and concluded that this form of mechanised harvesting yielded cockles that were suitable for depuration. Results indicated that successful depuration could indeed by achieved with 90kg loading at the current minimum depuration temperature of 7°C. The results at 16°C for both 30kg and 90kg were inconclusive but suggest that depuration of cockles in general at this temperature warrants further study.
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    2016 Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet

    Detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of UK registered fishing vessels during 2015 and 2016.
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    Haddock and Cod Immunology and Vaccine Development

    This progress report presents the work carried out in the first two years of a three-year project on Haddock and Cod Immune System and Vaccine Development. The aim of this project is sto study the ontogeny of the immune system in Haddock and the use of this knowledge to develop a vaccine technology.
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    Supersaturation can occur naturally in high-energy environments e.g. from wave action or dam spillways; or as a result of excess photosynthetic activity. In the aquaculture hatchery, supersaturation can be caused by a sudden increase in temperature e.g. in long pipe runs exposed to the sun, by entrainment of air through leaking joints or pump seals, or by injection of pressurised air at depth.
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    SR624_The survival of skates (Rajidae) caught by demersal trawlers fishing in UK waters_IPF B007 and C107

    Skates and rays are a common component of mixed demersal fisheries, and large quantities may be discarded. Given their biological vulnerability, understanding the fate of these elasmobranchs is of management concern. Estimates of discard survival are needed for modelling the possible benefits of management measures. In this study, the focus is on the Bristol Channel skate fishery, where on-board holding tanks were used to assess the short-term rates of survival of trawl-caught skates (Rajidae). From monitoring the survival rates of 162 fish kept in specially designed on-board holding tanks for periods of up to 72 h, the short-term rate of survival was 55%. Keywords: Otter trawl, Ray, Skate. Survival, UK fisheries
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    Design of a containerised biodiesel production plant

    This report details work carried out in assembly of a prototype containerised batch production plant that is portable and suited to deployment quayside to support fishermen that wish to selfmanufacture biodiesel. The biodiesel batch plant has a maximum production capacity of approximately 210,000 litres per annum when working one shift and approximately 420,000 litres per annum with 24 hour working.
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    Final CLG minutes for 11 November 2015 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 11 November 2015.
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    Notes on Seafish 'Social License to Operate' workshop. London. 28 June 2016.

    A social license to operate indicates the level of approval from the community that an industry has to operate. Seafish facilitated a workshop to explain the concept, how it works and the reasons for attaining and building high quality stakeholder relationships in this way. These notes are a summary of the workshop, the exercises undertaken and the comments made. Please also look at the presentation given at the workshop and the handouts which can all be found on the Seafish website
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    An Integrated Traceability, Marketing and Back Office System for Inshore Ports and Vessels

    In cooperation with commercial partners, Seafish has developed systems for weighing and labelling of boxed fish at sea in response to market and legislative requirements to provide accurate product defination and provenance at the point of first sale. This report describes how the data required by law or for trading may be captured and handled electronically on landing at small inshore ports to improve marketing and administrative efficiencies.
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    Economic Impact Assessment of the 2004 Fisheries Management Regime in the UK Whitefish Fleet

    Seafish has developed a series of models, based on historical landings and costs and earnings data which predict the financial outcome for segments of the UK fleet, based on inputs of landings levels, fishing effort and fish selling prices. The model reflects a range of possible scenarios for the UK whitefish fleet in 2004.
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    Assessment of Stress and Mortality of the Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) During Live Handling from Vessel to Market

    Current handling techniques used to transport live Nephrops (Prawns) from capture to export can result in excessive stress and mortality. The feasibility of reducing both these factors, by using more appropriate techniques to hold live Nephrops aboard vessels, at live holding facilities and for air transportation was investigated. The feasibility of using a reduced water system (mist) for road transportation was also investigated.
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    Webinar transcript - Marketing Masterclass - An Introduction To Local Search Engine Optimisation

    A transcript of the video recording of the Marketing Masterclass - an Introduction to Local Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). This event was recorded in March 2021.
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    Webinar transcript - Marketing Masterclass: Maximising Social Media for Business

    A transcript of the video recording of the Marketing Masterclass on Maximising Social Media business. This event was recorded in March 2021
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    Examining Key Influences on Children’s Consumption of Seafood

    To promote seafood successfully to children, it is crucial to take into account all the direct and indirect influences that impact on children’s consumption of seafood.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on a Northern Ireland Marine Bill - Policy Proposals

    The Northern Ireland Marine Bill will contain provisions for marine planning and marine nature conservation within Northern Ireland's territorial waters (within the 12 nautical mile limit). The consultation contains proposals a framework for Northern Ireland’s seas based on: a new system of marine planning that will balance conservation, energy and other resource needs; a further streamlining of marine licensing above that already provided for in the UK Act; and improved processes for marine nature conservation. Original consultation documents are available here:
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    Quick summary of June 2013 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2013 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    FRDC Project 2005/054

    A collaborative extension program by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, SeaNet and Ecofish for the development and adoption of square mesh codends in select prawn and scallop trawl fisheries in Queensland.
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    Good Manufacturing Practice: Guidelines for Nephrops Fishermen

    These guidelines provide advice to Nephrop fishermen on good manufacturing practice (G.M.P.). Their purpose is to help fishermen to comply with food law and to secure a better return for their products. This includes ensuring food safety, maximizing product quality and meeting the needs of the market. Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    Bulletin FT3_The use of artificial seawater in mollusc purification

    Seafish trials with mollusc purification have made extensive use of Artificial Seawater (ASW) in both laboratory and commercial tanks. This bulletin is aimed specifically at the use of ASW for bivalve molluscs and combines technical data from MAFF Laboratory Leaflet No. 39, published in 1977 and entitled 'Artificial Seawater for Shellfish Tanks' and experience gained by Seafish. For more detailed information the MAFF Leaflet or Seafish should be consulted.
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    Survey of Existing Good Manufacturing Practice Standards in the Fish Industry

    The EU fish quality labelling and monitoring concerted action project brought together industry and scientists to establish common views on the subject. A series of international surveys were carried out as part of the project. The final survey investigated the operation of good manufacturing practice and standards in the fish industry and perceived needs for further standards. This report describes the UK results of that survey.
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    Guidance Note - Protected Wildlife Sites

    There are more than 7000 protected wildlife sites in the UK, and many of these extend to the coast and inshore waters. • Some fishing activities may not have a significant impact on wildlife, some might need to be restricted in certain areas, but if so, it may be possible to find wildlife-friendly ways to keep working. • Breaking wildlife laws can result in a criminal prosecution and a fine of up to £20,000. • This Guidance Note will tell you about the protected wildlife sites in the UK, and how to work with the authorities to stay the right side of the law.
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - pumping and piping systems

    Includes sections on: Oil tanks, Oil fuel systems, Lubricating oil systems, Sea water systems, Bilge pumps and capacities, Machinery space bilge pumping, Shelter deck drainage (enclosed shelters), Water tanks and Hydraulic systems,
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    A Sea of Health

    Nutritional content and health benefits of seafood
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 project update March 2015 printable

    This document outlines the Project Inshore work through the four stages which progress from a broad overview of English inshore fisheries to strategic targeted action plans.
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    Seafish Labelling Update 2016

    Updated regulation
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    Squid Fishing in UK Waters

    During the past decade, total squid landings from the NE Atlantic ranged from 10,000– 18,000 t. The bulk of European catches were landed by French, Portuguese, Spanish and UK fleets. Loligo forbesi is the most frequently caught species in UK waters, and forms the basis of significant by-catch fisheries, with annual landings as high as 3,500 t. A significant proportion (5–70%) of the total Scottish squid landings are caught in the Moray Firth, where a seasonal, directed fishery operates during summer-autumn. The size of the fleet directly involved in this fishery has ranged from 20–65 vessels in recent years. Many of the fishing crews target squid for several weeks, when large numbers of small squid recruit to the fishery.
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    Seafish response to A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland and Guidelines on the selection of MPAs and development of the MPA network

    Seafish has produced a combined response to two Scottish consultations on the future of the Scottish marine environment. The consultations were on the draft Marine Nature Conservation Strategy for Scotland and on draft guidelines on the selection of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the development of the MPA network in the seas around Scotland. The original consultation papers can be found here: A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland: Marine Protected Areas in the Seas around Scotland: