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    A Series of Trials to Develop Equipment able to produce a stream of chilled air below 1 °C Using Ice

    This report is concerned with a series of trials carried out to develop equipment which could chill air below 1 °C using ice. Initial trials involved passing air through ice; further trials used metal pipes as heat exchangers with greater success. To chill air below 1 °C a compact aluminium heat exchanger was built.
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    Improved selectivity in towed demersal fishing gear proposals for programme of work to be conducted in ICES Fishing Areas VII d, e & f

    Square mesh trials to reduce the level of discards have so far concentrated on the North Sea and on the species cod, haddock and whiting in particular.
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    Catching and aquaculture e-alert December 10

    Update on the catching and aquaculture sector
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    Efficient Use of Energy in Fish Harvesting

    This meeting was convened by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for Canada (DFO) as a follow-up to the first meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to progress some of the ideas put forward earlier and to determine if it would be possible to develop sufficient international interest, in some of the proposed projects for a number of countries to sign up an implementing agreement under the auspices of the IEA.
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    An Evaluation of Six Alternative Compounded Diets for Juvenile European Lobsters (homarus gammerus L)

    The high cost of feeding juvenile lobsters at Ardtoe on natural food leads to trials of proprietary palletised foods developed for other fish which can be dispersed automatically. Batches of juveniles have been fed on various palletised foods and monitored for growth and mortality and compared with a control sample fed on natural fresh food.
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    Irish Sea Finfish and Nephrops Discard Study 1993_94

    This report describes the results of a study to assess the feasibility of longer term monitoring of discarding practices in the towed gear fisheries of the Irish Sea (ICES Area VIIa) carried out during the period June 1993-August 1994. The report describes the development of methods considered suitable for assessming discard rates in these fisheries and discusses factors affecting the variation in discard rates.
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    Facts and Figures about the South West Fishery

    Two MAFF fishery 'districts' encompass Devon and Cornwall fisheries. These extend from Lyme Regis to Fowey and Fowey to Bude respectively.
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    Efficient Use of Energy in Fish Harvesting_Interim Meeting

    The principal rationale to hold a meeting related to the premise that fish harvesting utilises more energy to produce a kilgramme of product than any other in the food producing industry. The fishing industry should, therefore find ways of optimising its energy consumption. Responsible approaches to harvesting operations must be found that yield the desired quantity and composition of fish while at the same time being fuel efficient. This concept coincides with the need to optimise energy consumption in the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible fishing which is also a concept being developed by the Canadian Government. The objective of the meeting was to bring together those in the inernational community who are working on research, development and commercial projects in responsible fishing operations to avoid duplication of effort.
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    Comparative Sea Trials on Peter Ross 'Hydrodynamic' Trawl Floats

    This report describes sea trials which were carried out by Seafish Technology for Peter Ross Fishing Services Ltd to compare the performance of Peter Ross 'hydrodynamic'floats with conventional spherical floats.
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    PESCA Funded Fisheries Trials - Deep Water Netting Trials

    Trials with deep water specification monk tangle nets were carried out on board the MFV Siarach II over a 15 day period.
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    Trials with Monofilament Longline gear on MFV Gannet in Whitby

    A 39ft Whitby vessel, MFV Gannet was chartered for 15 fishing days between 14 January and 12 February 1985. The vessel was fitted with equipment for the purpose of monofilament longlining. The vessel worked the system for 3 weeks of trials. Catch rates were at times well up to those of traditional longliners working alongside, but on average they were lower reflecting a number of factors. The murkiness of the water, characteristic of the winter months, appeared to obscure the advantages of monofilament lines. The time taken to bait the monolines and the crew learning time are problems still to be resolved.