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    Subsea Strathspey Project Analysis of Risks from Fisheries Activities

    This report contains the findings of a study carried out by Seafish to assess the risks to a proposed underwater wellhead/manifold assembly to be established by the client at a defined location. A feature of the assembly is the relatively short expected operating life and the proposed absence of surface installations for much of the operating period of the installation. The study addresses itself to identifying current and future levels of fishing activitiy in the area, the loads to be carried by the underwater assembly should fishing gears come into contact with it, and possible means of preventing such contact. As part of the study Seafish have produced a chartlet which it is proposed could be circulated widely to fishing vessel skippers likely to operate in the area.
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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard FRV G A Reay

    Squid fishing trials involving the use of bottom and midwater trawls, and hand and automatic jigging techniques with light attraction were conducted at various locations between the north east coast of Scotland and the Faroe Islands during September/October 1983.
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    The Highland Region. The Prospects for Fisheries and Aquaculture in the 1990's

    Part of the Highland Regional Council's structural policy is to make the best use of its natural and human resources. This includes investments in both fishing and aquaculture as well as encouraging development of these industries through the provisions in its Structure Plan 1990-99. Previously the White Fish Authority prepared an advisory paper for the Council in 1980 entitled 'The Fisheries in the Highland Region - A study in conservation and development.
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    Squid Fishing Trials Aboard MFV Joker in Cornwall

    A small Cornish inshore vessel has been rigged with gas lamps and jigging equipment for catching squid. Unfavourable weather conditions prevented a proper assessment of the equipment during the Author's visit, however, a report is expected from the fishermen in due course. This report describes the installation and includes background information. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at French Fish Limited

    As part of the North East Scotland Strtegic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to French Fish Limited carried out on 5 May 1999.
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    Site Visit to Inspect Oyster Depuration Tanks at la Rocque Fisheries Ltd

    La Rocque Fisheries Ltd on the island of Jersey have installed three purification tanks to depurate Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) taken from their nearby oyster growing lays. The tanks, which had been built to a French design, require approval from the States of Jersey Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Seafish were asked by La Rocque to make a site inspection and given an opinion on the suitablity of the tanks for depurating Pacific and Native (Ostrea edulis) Oysters. Peter Wilson, Senior Fish Technologist Engineer at Seafish visited on 15 April 1998.
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    Study to forecast the commercial cost of farming plaice

    Much of the Authority’s early work in rearing marine fish was concentrated on plaice, however as the trials data accumulated over the late 60’s and early 70’s, it became apparent that, despite its suitability as a farm animal, the plaice could not under the market conditions prevailing recover its costs of production. This was demonstrated by a joint study with the Central Electricity Generating Board (ref 1) using 1971 data, which concluded that the estimated production cost of farmed plaice per ton, would be nine times the then value per ton of current trawler landings. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in April 1977 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Visit to Irvin & Johnson Limited Trawling Division, Cape Town, South Africa

    In April 1992 Seafish were contacted by Rob Whitehead, Operations Manager, for Irvin & Johnson, for advice on the use of square mesh panels as means of improving selectivity in trawl gear. As a result of the initial contact a visit was made to Cape Town where my services were employed by Irvin & Johnson in an advisory capacity. I was asked to brief senior management on current research generally regarding the use of square mesh, as well as making recommendations and observations on the probable effects of square mesh on catch rates, fish quality, selectivity etc., in the South African Hake Fishery. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Proceedings of the Humber Waste Seminar, 12 June 1997

    These are the papers submitted at the Seafish Humber Waste Seminar, held at TC's club in Grimsby on 12 June 1997. Recommendations and findings are based on surveys carried out at a number of fish processing companies in the Humberside region. This collection of papers aims to provide an introduction to relevant waste issues and highlights some areas where waste minimisation can be put into practice. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Gill Net and othr Set Net Fisheries in Cornwall

    'Set Nets' constructed of various man-made materials offer a highly efficient means of catching fish. The majority of vessels under 10m in length around the Cornish peninsula are at some time of the year actively engaged in the use of set nets.
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    The Effect of Soak Time on the Quality of Cod in Set Nets

    The quality of cod resulting from net immersion periods (soak times) of between 3 and 48 hours was investigated. The trials were carried out on a 9 m boat along the Yorkshire coast during July and September 1991. The fish which were alive when brought on board were in excellent condition. After 9 hours soak the freshness of the cod progressively reduced as the physical damage increased. Over half the cod from the 48 hour soak time were spoiled beyond marketability. Recommendations to help assure quality are made.
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    Lyme Bay plaice sampling trip 13-14 March 1999

    According to local sources the Lyme Bay area usually supports a plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)fishery through the month of April, exploited by beamers working from Brixham. During the first quarter of this year however, vessels reported significantly larger catches from mid-February through to early March. Following approaches by the SWFPO, CEFAS arranged with Sea Fish for a Discard Officer (DO) to carry out a sampling trip to examine the current plaice catch in the Lyme Bay area.