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We found 154 results for "july 2016 minutes" in Documents
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - July 2021

    Meeting minutes for the 5th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 22nd July 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - July 2020

    Meeting minutes for the 2nd meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 21st July 2020 via Zoom.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 18 July 2017

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 18 July 2017.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015.
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – July 2017

    Proposed Acrylamide Regulation; Code of Practice for Smoked Fish; Mercury; Regulating our Future; Results of Authenticity Surveys; Expert Group on Food Hygiene and Control of Food of Animal Origin; Primary Authority; Brexit; Workshop on Brexit at the PECH Committee; Markets Advisory Council; Fish Labelling and Traceability; Scottish Landings Target; Shellfish Review Consultations; Codex; Histamine; Regulatory Strategy; Importers Forum; Trade Facilitation Expert Panel; Thurd Countries Authorised to Export; Animal By Products; ID Marking Questionnaire; Anisakis
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    Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee (SDAAC) meeting minutes July 2016

    The meeting minutes from the inaugural SDAAC meeting, held in London, 6th May, 2016
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 2 July 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 2 July 2014.
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 July 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall on Monday 22 July 2013, to which Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the Fish Fish production team were invited.
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – October 2016

    Brexit; The Seafood Industry Alliance; Official Controls Review; Traceability and Consumer Information; Labelling Nutrition and Origin of Primary Ingredients; Tuna Treatment with Nitrite; Regulatory Delivery Food Standards and Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel Reports; Acrylamide; Biocides; Live American Lobsters; Crabs to China; Certificate of Origin; Re-Enforced Checks Guidance; Union Customs Code; Glaze Guide; Hydrogen peroxide; Botulism; Markets Advisory Council; FVO VIsit South West
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2015.
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    Final CLG minutes for 11 November 2015 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 11 November 2015.
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    Final CLG minutes for 29 June 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 29 June 2016
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    2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report

    The 2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report presents accurate up-to-date economic data and commentary to serve, where appropriate, as an evidence base for business decisions, policy discussions, and further research. This report provides details on the structure and size of the industry such as regional distribution, size of firms, type of broad fish species processed, type of processing activity undertaken and financial performance.
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    Final CLG minutes for 10 November 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 10 November 2016.