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We found 135 results for "Seafood Consumption 2016 update" in Documents
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 18 July 2017

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 18 July 2017.
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    the Market Potential for Marine Finfish Species from British and Irish Aquaculture

    Aquaculture is already playing a major part in supplying seafood into the European market - some 420,000 tonnes per annum out of a fleet landing total of c.6,700,000 tonnes, or 6-7% of the total by weight. If all the member states of the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers are included, the tonnage rises to some 1,000,000 tonnes per annum, with a total value of £1,984 million in 1999 - compared, for example, with a combined total first sale value of fisheries landings of some $452 million in the UK and Ireland.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 18 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including ILO human rights and labour rights; Eurojust fighting human trafficking for labour exploitation; Written question on importation of fisheries products from suppliers using slave labour; TTIP Negotiations; EFSA advice on bivalve molluscs; Question for written answer on Legislative requirements for the labelling of seafood products; Horizon 2020; European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF); Common Fisheries Policy (CFP); Community Fisheries Control Agency; Questions for written answer on IUU; Written question on shellfish farming.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 23 March 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 23 March 2015.
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    A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to UK aquaculture industry

    This interim report is submitted to Seafish as part of the assignment titled ‘A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to the UK aquaculture industry’. The preparation of this report represents Deliverable 3 of the assignment. The structure and content of the report is based on previous agreement between the contractor and the client as presented in the inception report. The contractors seek review, comments and approval from Seafish on this interim report.
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    FS27-04.09_Fishing vessel fuel emissions

    Responding to climate change by reducing both the amount of waste generated, and the amount of toxic substances released into the environment is a smart choice for the fishing industry. Carbon footprints relate to how much Greenhouse gases are emitted. For the fishing sector emissions are influenced by a number of factors including the abundance of fish (stocks), the steaming distance to fishing grounds, and the fishing technology used. But there are options a skipper can adopt to reduce a vessels carbon footprint by reducing fuel consumption. This fact sheet describes the fuel used by the fishing sector, it outlines the current emissions regulations and how these may affect the fishing industry. It also provides an overview of a fishing vessels ‘carbon footprint’ and how it can be improved.
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    Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations

    The report presents the outcome of a feasibility study, supported by Seafsh, for developing an aquaculture and fsheries research and development centre at a laboratory facility in Brixham. (formerly AstraZeneca’s, but transferred to Plymouth University two years ago). The proposed concept was a full-service operation that could support the UK seafood industry - including fsheries and aquaculture supply chains - with market-led research, development and analytics capabilities.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 1

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2014.
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