Documents | Seafish

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We found 233 results for "responsible sourcing guides" in Documents
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 18 July 2017

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 18 July 2017.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 12 March 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 12 March 2014.
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    Sustainable Seafood Serving the Seafood Industry 2010 to 2013 - A consultation document for industry - 3 year plan

    The Seafish consultation document sets out how we intend to serve industry over the next three years and is part of a year-long consultation process.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 21 April 2016

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 21 April 2016.
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    Seafood Labelling Guidance – Overview

    This document provides guidance on the labelling of seafood. It contains guidance on general food labelling, fish labelling, nutrition and health claims, trade marks, misleading descriptions, voluntary labelling, traceability, and labelling additives and added water.
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    Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers. November 2017.

    There is a fundamental requisite to monitor the welfare of the fishing crews working on UK vessels in UK waters, as well as globally. This document highlights the key UK and global legislation that is helping now, or will help in the future, to ensure fishers have minimum standards and decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels. It also details: the health and safety requirements for all those working on UK fishing vessels; the voluntary initiatives in place to help improve the conditions on board fishing vessels for all commercial fishers; the international guidelines that support basic human and labour rights principles across the whole fisheries sector; and the appropriate authorities, organisations and charities who are working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within UK fishing. This document updates the December 2014 document entitled 'The legal framework for working on UK fishing vessels' and the October 2016 document 'Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers.
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    Final ACIG minutes 15 September 2015

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 15 September 2015.
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    Overview of the evolution of the assessment and management of the Northern European skate and ray fishery. December 2014.

    The management of skate and ray fisheries has changed radically in the past 6 years with the implementation of Total Allowable Catches (TAC) in the Celtic Sea and West of Scotland as well as the North Sea and stock assessments using the ICES Data Limited Assessment methods. The purpose of this document is to outline and discuss the main trends in the assessment and management of stocks of skates and rays and the fisheries of them in the North Sea, Celtic Sea and West of Scotland over recent years. The assessment and management of these fisheries is discussed in the context of how science, government, fishers and the supply chain could contribute to the management of skate and ray fisheries thereby reducing the necessity for cuts across all stocks of these species. This report summarises some of these advances and it discusses possible further work in these fisheries.
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    The Promotion of Pole-and-Line Tuna Fishing in the Pacific Islands - Emerging Issues and Lessons Learned

    This study examines the various issues associated with promoting pole-and-line fishing and attempts to derive lessons from experience that may guide future development efforts.
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    Quick summary of 2013 ICES advice for six key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2013 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    The Seafood 2040 Programme Annual Report for Year 2

    In the Seafood 2040 Annual Report for Year 1, six ambitions were presented for the second year of the programme. This document, the Annual Report for Year 2, details progress toward the achievement of those ambitions.