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We found 223 results for "2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report" in Documents
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    Review of the application of the Official Control Regulations for shellfish

    The Shellfish Stakeholder Working Group (SSWG) commissioned Seafish to undertake a review of the application of the Official Control Regulations that apply to live bivalve production in EU Member States, with a focus on the microbial requirements.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 07/07/2017 – 14/07/2017

    EU and UK positions on citizens’ rights: First phase of Brexit negotiations; EP Constitutional Affairs Committee exchange of views with Guy Verhofstadt Parliament's coordinator for the negotiations on UK withdrawal from the EU; Speaking points by Michel Barnier after College meeting; State of play of Article 50 negotiations with the UK; Seychelles Fishery products derived from tuna species; EC Update on GSP+ countries; Sri Lanka; Philippines; European Commission start debate on Trade and Sustainable Development in EU Trade Agreements; EU and Canada agree to set date for provisional application of CETA; Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and protocol with Côte d'Ivoire
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 June 2017 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 22 June 2017.
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    Hong Kong Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Hong Kong.
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    Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet 2020

    The report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2020 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet 2019

    The report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2019 Annual Fleet Economic Survey
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 2 July 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 2 July 2014.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the North Eastern IFCA.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 2

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Responsible Sourcing Guide - Tuna

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to tuna contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2012. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Development of a Generic Shellfish Hatchery Design with Associated Spatting Ponds

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    Aquaculture Opportunities for Enclosed Marine Water Bodies – Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Case Study

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus