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We found 223 results for "2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report" in Documents
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 10 February 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 10 February 2016.
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    Baltic States seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in the Baltic States.
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2021-2022

    The Seafish Annual Plan for 2021-2022 outlines our priorities, goals and work programme for the year.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 09/04/2016 – 15/04/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments.
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    Fishing refererences by country in 2021 U.S. TIP Report. July 2021.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. This document lists the references to fishing by country in the 2021 report.
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    Trade Developments: An initial review of developments, implications, and practical responses 

    This report is an initial review of key export trades for the UK seafood industry. It considers the major industry impacts arising from key trade drivers and sets out major areas where a response from industry and Seafish may be required.
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    Japan Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Japan.
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    Cod to 2030 (full report)

    A review of the UK’s cod supply base and 10 year forward view.
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group. News alert. June/July 2022.

    June/July news alert to SECLG subscribers on 21 July 2022.
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    UK seafood supply base to 2030

    An initial review of developments, implications and practical responses from industry and Seafish.
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    Top line summary of Seafish regional ethics profiles. September 2015.

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This work has been presented in three parts: an analytical report, leading to strategic recommendations for follow-up; a set of 15 risk assessment profiles; and a comprehensive literature review. This is a topline summary of the ethics profiles of the 15 countries or regions which Seafish, after consulting with industry representatives, has analysed. These are: Chile, China, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188. 5 July 2022.

    Brandt Wagner and Christine Bader from the International Labour Organization spoke about progress on ratification of C.188 internationally.
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    Ecosystem Services of Commercially Important Bivalves in the UK: Nutrient removal services

    A 2022 study by Seafish and AFBI exploring water quality improvement by bivalve aquaculture (blue mussels, Pacific and Native oysters, Manila clams) in the UK. Focused on nutrient removal and economic benefits for sustainable aquaculture management.
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    Minutes of the Seafood Regulation Expert Group meeting held 19/01/2016

    Expert Group Review – Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO); Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Traceability and consumer information; New minimum residue limits for biocides in the food chain; Primary Authority and Seafish guidance; Determination of deglazed net weight; Better Regulation Delivery Office Food Standards and Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel reports; Imports; Tuna Treatment; Use of Desliming Agents; Chlorine dioxide; Codex Code of Practice for scallops; Hygiene regulations and scallops; Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme;Seafood Week
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    Singapore Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Singapore.
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    Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers. November 2017.

    There is a fundamental requisite to monitor the welfare of the fishing crews working on UK vessels in UK waters, as well as globally. This document highlights the key UK and global legislation that is helping now, or will help in the future, to ensure fishers have minimum standards and decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels. It also details: the health and safety requirements for all those working on UK fishing vessels; the voluntary initiatives in place to help improve the conditions on board fishing vessels for all commercial fishers; the international guidelines that support basic human and labour rights principles across the whole fisheries sector; and the appropriate authorities, organisations and charities who are working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within UK fishing. This document updates the December 2014 document entitled 'The legal framework for working on UK fishing vessels' and the October 2016 document 'Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers.
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    Germany seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Germany.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 15 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: PECH Committee exchange of views with Martijn Van Dam on the priorities of the Netherlands Presidency; New tool to map fishing activities in Europe; DG SANTE: Public consultations foreseen in 2016; Duncan demands discard ban protection for cod fishermen; Common Fisheries Policy (CFP recast) – Consideration of draft report EP PECH; EESC - From the Outer Banks to the Food Banks; Thai junta promises illegal fishing crackdown ahead of EU ban decision
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    Preliminary investigation of economic performance and accidents in the UK fishing fleet

    This report presents the findings of a preliminary investigation into the relationship between vessel accidents and the operational and financial performance of vessels in the UK fishing fleet in the period 2008-2016.
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    Fish content and QUID

    The fish content of fishery products is important to manage and monitor given that food manufactureres have legal obligations relating to the quantities of ingredients use din the manufacture or preparation of food. This factsheet provides an overview of fish content including; fish composition, testing analytical fish content, calculating analytical fish content, nitrogen factor, analytical indicators of low fish content products and QUID. It also provides practical advice to seafood buyers.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 13 May 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Traceability of fishery and aquaculture products in catering and retail; Public consultation for the Fitness Check of EU consumer and marketing law; New fisheries partnership agreements.
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    County Down Seafood

    This report was produced by tourism specialists BTS, supported by fish industry experts Poseidon Consulting. It is a market based business plan, commissioned by the Strangford Lough and Lecale Partnership (SLLP), with funding from the EU and the South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEAFLAG), to provide economic benefit to the South East Area which includes the fishing ports at Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel. The analysis is designed to help develop the local market for locally caught seafood and local quality agricultural produce within Area. The project examines the opportunities for food tourism in the Strangford Lough and Mourne Mountains destinations, building on the concentration of the Northern Ireland fishing industry in the area, the quality of other local food produce and the number and the quality of local eating places across the area.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 5 February 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Changes to Fukushima safeguards; A new Regulation on food radionuclides; IUU; Thailand ; Unfair Trading; EU–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (FTA); EU trade policy and seafood; Ethical Fishing; ILO; Food safety and consumer protection; CFP and Landing Obligation; DG SANTE organisation chart
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    The next NGO priority: An initial review of developments, implications, and practical responses 

    This report focuses on emerging priorities for NGOs. It considers major industry impacts arising from NGO areas of focus and sets out areas where a response from industry and Seafish may be required and identifies areas of potential collaboration.
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    Final Pelagic Industry Issues Group minutes for 9 October 2015

    Final minutes of the Pelagic Industry Issues meeting held in Aberdeen on Friday 9 October 2015.
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    Climate change adaptation - Watching Brief 2018

    A Seafish/MCCIP Watching Brief report on how the seafood industry in the UK is adapting to climate change.
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    China Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in China.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 11 July 2018

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 11 July 2018.
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    Vietnam Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Vietnam.
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    Aquaculture in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: An Analysis of the Economic Contribution and Value of the Major Sub-Sectors and the Most Important Farmed Species

    A report which analyses the economic contribution and value of the major aquaculture sub-sectors, and the most important farmed species in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 24 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: EU public consultation on endocrine disruptors, "Is sustainable aquaculture possible", FVO report fishery products in Macedonia, antimicrobial restrictions in animal feed, proposed ATQs 2016–2018
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 17 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Public Consultation on the future of EU-Mexico trade and economic relations; Open call for tender: Study on the establishment of a framework for processing and analyzing maritime economic data in Europe; WELMEC guide; Proposal for classification of A production areas for LBM according to Codex criteria; Planned sanitary survey on Norovirus in oysters.
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    Risk Assessment for Sourcing Seafood (RASS) profile; Peruvian Anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) artisanal purse seine fishery in Northern Central Peru (FAO 87)

    This document is a summary of information for the Peruvian artisanal purse seine fishery targeting Peruvian Anchoveta (Anchoveta) within FAO area 87.1.13-14 is risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring Guidance version 2.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - full report

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this full report includes a review of the English aquaculture landscape and current barriers to growth, along with the rationale and methodology behind the strategy.
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    Full report on Developing an Assurance Scheme for Shellfish and Human Health (DASSHH)

    The full report on a bivalve shellfish aquaculture water quality project. DASSHH aimed to create an improved approach to determining shellfish water quality that fully meets consumer safety and regulation requirements.
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    Seafood Industry Value Chain Analysis - Cod, Haddock and Nephrops

    This study provides a close look at the UK seafood value chain for the species cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Gadus aeglefinus) and nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus). This report treats each value chain separately, and the main findings from each analysis can be found below. In addition, the key points extracted from the interviews held with industry players and the implications of the main findings for the major stakeholders in this study are presented here. When seen as a whole, these observations provide a background for understanding some of the developments that are observed in the seafood industry today for the selected species.
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    Australia Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Australia.
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    The UK shellfish industry’s role in supporting shellfish ecosystem services and public goods and benefits

    This report considers the role that fishing and aquaculture play in maintaining and enhancing shellfish ecosystem services and delivering public goods and benefits. The relevance of this to future marine policy development is also considered.
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    Labour and Skills: Wales 2020

    Labour and skills study of the seafood industry in Wales
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    South Korea Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in South Korea.
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    Labour and Skills: Northern Ireland 2020

    labour and skills study of seafood industry in Northern ireland
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    Seafish Corporate Plan 2015-2018

    The new Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-18 sets out our mission, vision and values for the next three years. The Plan includes the new High Level Objectives and strategic outcomes for Seafish, along with more detailed information about the Seafish work programmes which support them. The Plan has been developed in partnership with industry and key stakeholders and will be our key tool in communicating our delivery promise during 2015-2018.
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    Utilisation of 2018 European Union - Faroe Islands Bilateral Fisheries Agreement

    The Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group (SPIIG) asked Seafish to undertake an independent analysis of the utilisation by the UK and rest of EU of the 2018 EU-Faroe bilateral agreement and the utilisation of the agreement by Faroe Islands. (5th ED)
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 11 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Better Training Safer Food Annual Report 2014; Increasing the maximum permissible mercury content of fish; Official controls - Live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods; Fair and quality fish on your plate: ALDE calls for a European Eco-label; "The EU fish market” 2015; "The EU fish market” 2015; Dutch flatfish fleet; Support for fishermen; Council Regulations suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties; New proposals to improve transparency and monitoring of EU fleet fishing internationally; Statement on the adoption of tariff quotas for certain imported fish and fish products; List of invasive alien species; “How to make fisheries controls in Europe uniform”
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    Seafish response to A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland and Guidelines on the selection of MPAs and development of the MPA network

    Seafish has produced a combined response to two Scottish consultations on the future of the Scottish marine environment. The consultations were on the draft Marine Nature Conservation Strategy for Scotland and on draft guidelines on the selection of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and the development of the MPA network in the seas around Scotland. The original consultation papers can be found here: A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland: Marine Protected Areas in the Seas around Scotland:
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    UK Economic Fleet Estimates and Fleet Enquiry Tool - Methodology Report

    This report is intended as a support document to the UK Economic Fleet Estimates and Seafish Fleet Enquiry Tool in Tableau which contains data on the size, structure and economic performance of the UK catching sector.
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    Final Pelagic Industry Issues Group minutes for 16 February 2015

    Final minutes of the Pelagic Industry Issues meeting held at the Doubletree Hotel, Aberdeen on Monday 16 February 2015.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 04/07/2018 – 24/09/2018

    Vella visits Faroes for high-level event on sustainable ocean governance; DG ENV – Plastics: refuse recycling and marine litter report published; DG SANTE – Health and food safety audits (Fisheries products) – Japan; India – Commission audit results to be discussed in standing committees; Thailand – Commission retains Thailand’s ‘yellow card’ status; Parliamentary Question on infringement procedures against Portugal for IUU fishing; EP motion for resolution – Classifying the American lobster as an invasive species; ENVI – Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment; PECH Committee holds exchange of views on Commission’s proposal for a new European Maritime Fisheries Fund
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    FS27-04.09_Fishing vessel fuel emissions

    Responding to climate change by reducing both the amount of waste generated, and the amount of toxic substances released into the environment is a smart choice for the fishing industry. Carbon footprints relate to how much Greenhouse gases are emitted. For the fishing sector emissions are influenced by a number of factors including the abundance of fish (stocks), the steaming distance to fishing grounds, and the fishing technology used. But there are options a skipper can adopt to reduce a vessels carbon footprint by reducing fuel consumption. This fact sheet describes the fuel used by the fishing sector, it outlines the current emissions regulations and how these may affect the fishing industry. It also provides an overview of a fishing vessels ‘carbon footprint’ and how it can be improved.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - summary

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this summary document sets the scene, highlighting the opportunities and growth aspirations alongside a plan for delivery.
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    Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations

    The report presents the outcome of a feasibility study, supported by Seafsh, for developing an aquaculture and fsheries research and development centre at a laboratory facility in Brixham. (formerly AstraZeneca’s, but transferred to Plymouth University two years ago). The proposed concept was a full-service operation that could support the UK seafood industry - including fsheries and aquaculture supply chains - with market-led research, development and analytics capabilities.
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    Quay Issues: 2014 Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet

    Part of the Quay Issues family of publications, the '2014 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet' includes the most recent nationwide costs and earnings data on the UK catching sector. The study presents the latest economic data for the commercially active UK fishing fleet and includes chapters on income, costs, fuel, employment and profitability as well as a comparison of the four home nation fleets.
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    Assessment of square mesh cod-ends in an Irish Nephrops fishery

    Assessment of square mesh cod-ends in an Irish Nephrops fishery.