Documents | Seafish

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We found 90 results for "application for registration inspection" in Documents
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    Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 17 September 2013

    FLEG Minutes: Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement, electronic information transfer, supply chain complexity, integration with existing traceability systems, retail, working group; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation – consumer information; Imports and exports, Faroese herring and mackerel, IUU, trade agreements with Central American countries; Hygiene regulations, date of freezing, FSA updates, parasite guidance, Codex E. coli standard, norovirus, brown meat of crab, yessotoxin limits, French request regarding preservation of fisheries products and temperature of melting ice ; The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013; Asthma risk of workers in fish processing; shellfish registration documents; food fraud; Labelfish workshop.
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    Social Risk Assessment Information

    This document explains the metrics and scoring methodologies for producing the social risk country profiles.
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    Legislative Requirements for the Disposal of Seafood Waste

    EU legislation on the disposal of animal by-products has and will continue to have major implications for the seafood industry. One effect of particular concern has been the ban on the use of landfill as a disposal route for most animal by-products and the additional inclusion of shell from shellfish as an animal by-product. To address industry concerns and develop a way forward Seafish established a Waste Working Group in April 2004 which brought together the various sectors of the seafood industry, the waste disposal and utilisation industries and industry regulators.
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    An assessment of ethical issues impacting on the UK seafood supply chain: Strategic report

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK. This strategic report is one of the key outputs. This includes a discussion of the issues and challenges in applying ethical concepts, particularly those set out in international standards on human and labour rights, to the seafood industry; an overview of the main issues for risk assessment, by country and region, by forms of employment, and to some extent by species; and the remedies and responses, drawing on the recent experience from Thailand.
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    Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) Standard

    The Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) is a voluntary programme that demonstrates responsible food safety and good operational practices within fishing ports and fishing harbours. This document sets out the requirements for RFPS certification.
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    Fishing references by country in 2023 U.S. TIP Report. July 2023. Summary

    This lists the references to fishing by country in the 2023 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report (U.S. Government report on human trafficking). This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please request an accessible format.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Cornwall IFCA
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    Freezer Vessel Hygiene Checklist

    This checklist has been written to assist operators of vessels subject to approval under Regulation 853/2004 to assess their vessels for compliance prior to inspection for approval. You should be aiming to be able to answer ’yes’ to all applicable questions. The hygiene requirements of Regulation 852/2004, particularly Annex I on primary production, will also apply. Where necessary these should be discussed with the health inspection officer.
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    China Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in China.
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    The Good Practice Guide to Handling and Storing Live Crustacea

    These guidelines have been produced for commercial operatives engaged in handling and storing live crustacea within the United Kingdom. They aim to help businesses achieve high standards of operation by encouraging practices that ensure product safety, product quality, and efficient use of resources.
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    Freezer Vessel Hygiene Checksheet

    Seafish, in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency, industry and enforcement representatives, has produced a number of hygiene checklists and associated documents for checking whether fishing vessels comply with minimum hygiene requirements.