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    An Investigation of the Performance of Tangle Nets used off North Cornwall

    These trials assessed and quantified both the selectivity of tangle nets and the loss of quality that can occur through excessive soak times.
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    Test document

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    Form L5 Shellfish

    Levy return form
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    Danish Prawn Trawl Multi Rig

    An illustration of a 4 trawl system.
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    UK Seafood Trade Report October to December 2023

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the UK seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during October to December 2023.
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - Annex 6 - Domestic

    The annex concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic aquaculture production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, highlighting key opportunities and threats.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Cod - June 2024

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of cod in the retail, foodservice and trade markets.
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    Draft Regulation

    Draft Regulation text on proposed amendments to the Seafish Levy.
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    Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee Minutes - September 2023

    Minutes from Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC) meeting held on 12 September 2023.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Haddock - June 2024

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of haddock in the retail, foodservice and trade markets.
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    Improved Selectivity in Demersal Trawl Gear

    This report describes work undertaken by Seafish under MAFF Commission MF0601. The work investigated how best to position mesh panels in Nephrops trawls to reduce the by-catch levels of white fish. The work was very much practically biased: sea trials were carried out under commercial conditions and took into account problems associated with fishermen’s acceptance of gear innovations. Principal among these was any loss of marketable catch. The trials vessel MFV Heather Sprig operated a twin trawl system. One trawl was rigged with a conventionally sited square mesh panel and three variants were fished against that trawl. Ten days of sea trials were undertaken. In evaluating the variants a number of factors were taken into account: This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Re-appraisal of Existing Operating Criteria for the Purification of Vivalve Molluscs in the UK

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Evaluation of by-catch reduction devices in UK Nephrops fisheries - The use of separator trawls in the Irish Sea

    The work described in this report is part of an ongoing programme aimed at optimising whitefish selectivity through the more effective use of technical conservation measures, by-catch reduction devices (BRDs).
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    Risk Assessment for Sourcing Seafood (RASS) profile; European lobster (Homarus gammarus) landed in Newlyn

    This document is a summary of information on European lobster (Homarus gammarus) targeted using pots/traps by vessels which land into Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall and is risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring Guidance version 2.
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    Demersal Pair Trawling Information

    This information sheet has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies.
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    Deep Water Fishing Voyage, MT 'Luneda', Feb 74

    The wet fish stern trawler LUNEDA (J. Marr and Sons, Fleetwood) was chartered by the White fish authority on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for a 14 day voyage in February 1974. The purpose of the voyage was to make a start upon the assessment of the commercial viability of the stocks of deep water fish, especially grenadiers, which had been found in depths between 400 and 700 fathoms in surveys in 1973. During the voyage only 8 days fishing were possible because of bad weather conditions but the vessel nevertheless landed 680, ten stone kits of various species. The proportion of grenadiers landed (27% of the catch) was lower than anticipated from the earlier surveys but this was more than compensated for by a high catch (329 kits) of blue ling, which was not expected at these depths in these quantities. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Turbot Hatchery Production 1982

    During 1982 the Ardtoe Hatchery of the Sea Fish Industry Authority transferred over 59,000 young fish to the weaning unit, the greatest number of turbot produced at Ardtoe in a single year. However, the season was marked by consistently low larval survivals, the high production being achieved by greatly increasing the number of batches handled (73 batches in 1982, 39 in 1981, 27 in 1980). A total of 1,472,000 larvae were stocked producing a survival of 78,600 (5.3%) at day twenty (d20) and 59,000 (4.0%) on transfer to weaning tanks. The survival to weaning compares with 5.3% in 1981 and 13% in 1980. There was a reduced dependence on eggs from other units in 1982, 54% of day one (d1) originating at Ardtoe compared with 18% in 1981 and 38% in 1980. There were also indications, for the first time, that larvae from Ardtoe produced eggs exhibited better eventual survival than those from other sources. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Ffurflen Gais am Ddyfais Arnofio Bersonol â Dyfais Leoli Bersonol gyda Chymorth Grant

    I’w chwblhau gan gasglwyr cocos masnachol unigol neu ffermwyr pysgod cregyn rhynglanwol wedi eu lleoli yng Nghymru.
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    SFIN 19 - Bilge pumping systems

    Notification of an amendment to the way in which Seafish enforces the bilge pumping rules stipulated in the Seafish Construction Standards for New Fishing Vessels 15m Length Overall to 24m Registered Length.
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    Legislation Seminar invite

    Seminar title: Recent changes to consumer labelling and traceability 2014
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    Risk Assessment for Sourcing Seafood (RASS) profile; East Atlantic skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Ghanaian fisheries

    This document is a summary of information on Eastern Atlantic Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) targeted by Ghanaian purse seine and pole and line vessels and risk assessed using using Seafish’s RASS scoring Guidance version 2.
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    Fish Frier Trials with Blue Whiting

    This report, prepared by David Elliott and Associates on behalf of the Authority, is reproduced in full as it contains very valuable information on the sale of blue whiting through frier outlets. There is no doubt that blue whiting is acceptable when sold in this manner, and a trade can be developed. The future level of such trade will depend upon the provision of graded fillets, preferably at the larger end of the range tested, and the price at which they can be made available. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Shellfish Industry Advisory Group Minutes - May 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 9th meeting of the Shellfish Industry Advisory Group (SIAG) which took place on 4th May 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Online Elementary Food Hygiene Segment Eight: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

    This is the eighth segment of the written learning materials for the Elementary Food Hygiene (online) training programme.
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    An Irish Perspective

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    Expression of Interest in Remote Training

    A form for individuals or businesses to express interest in receiving funding for seafood onshore training courses.
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    Proposed Changes to the Seafish Levy: Consultation Document 13 March - 23 April 2023

    This paper outlines the full consultation on proposed changes to the Seafish levy. The consultation takes place from 13 March to 23 April 2023.
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    Effluent Sampling at Croan Seafoods

    Water use and effluent strength are major problems for the seafood processing industry. In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, changes in the charging scheme for trade effluent discharge resulted in a significant rise in costs across the whole of the seafood processing industry. This particularly affected the pelagic industry which uses a large volume of water and produces very high strength effluent.
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    Halibut Hatchery Report 1990

    The 1990 halibut hatchery season was the most successful so far at Seafish Ardtoe with 128 metamorphosed fish being produced. The reasons for this success after the failure to produce fish in the two previous years were thought to relate to better water quality and a general improvement in the reliability of the systems. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Experimental Fishing Using Fish Traps

    The report describes fishing trials undertaken by Seafish under MAFF Commission MF0614. Six Neptune traps were fished over a 10 day period around Flamborough Head. They were set on wrecks and rough ground unsuitable for trawling. Fish catches were generally low, probably because of tidal and similar influences. Lessons learned will be useful in the design of a further scheduled study.
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    Board minutes - 24 May 2017

    Seafish Board minutes
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    Board Minutes - 23 March 2023

    Minutes from the Seafish Board meeting on 23 March 2023.
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    SECLG Presentation 2. The role of social audits. 12 October 2023.

    Tim Pilch, independent consultant spoke about human rights within global seafood supply chains. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format
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    Strategaeth Bwyd Mor Cymru

    Wales seafood strategy (Welsh language)
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    Summary Costs Study of Dover Sole and Turbot Farming

    This study has been carried out to provide guidance in the formulation of future marine farming Research and Development programmes. The requirement was to produce forecasts of the likely costs of farming marine whitefish commercially, using the best data available at the end of 1975 season. The information presented in this report must be read in this light and not, until certain further results have been established and the trials scale expanded, be taken as an investment guide. Two species, Dover sole and turbot are considered. Only outline technical data, sufficient for understanding the basis of the study, are given with the full background material being presented in separate reports. (Refs 1 & 2). This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. The role of social audits. 12 October 2023.

    David Dietz, Global Seafood Alliance spoke about the social audit framework for BAP and BSP certification. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format
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    SFIN 18 - Emergency stops

    Seafish Information Note 18 - Emergency stops.
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2023-2024

    The Seafish Annual Plan for 2023-2024 outlines our priorities, goals and work programme for the year.
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    South West Advisory Committee (SWACC) Minutes - June 2023

    Minutes from Seafish South West Advisory Committee (SSWAC) meeting held on 5 June 2023.
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    Factors Affecting E. Coli Levels in Shellfish with Reference to EEC Directive 91/492

    The contamination of bivalve molluscs by viral pathogens is of concern to Public Health Authorities and the shellfish industry because of the potential health risks and loss of markets for bivalve molluscs. As part of the Single European Market (SEM) the European Commission has introduced a Directive (91/492/EEC) which requires shellfish harvesting waters to be classified according to their levels of bacterial contamination; faecal coliforms or Escherichia coli as assessed by a 5 tube 3 dilution Most Probable Numbers test found in the shellfish collected from those waters. The intention is that bivalve molluscs which originate from areas of bacterial contamination shall undergo depuration or, if contamination is found to be severe, prolonged relaying, in order to ensure viral safety. Before the EEC Directive can be implemented it is necessary to design sampling protocols which would result in consistent classification of shellfish growing waters. This project is intended to examine the variables which could affect E. Coli levels in shellfish surveys and to design means by which bias resulting from these variables could be overcome. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Board minutes - 28 February 2018

    Seafish board minutes
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    Economic evaluation of the EU/Faroe Islands bi-lateral agreement.

    Presented at Pelagic Industry Issues Group meeting. 5 October 2020.
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    Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme - Oversight Board and Technical Committee Members

    A list of the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme Oversight Board and Technical Committee members
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    Ecosystem Services of Commercially Important Bivalves in the UK: Nutrient removal services

    A 2022 study by Seafish and AFBI exploring water quality improvement by bivalve aquaculture (blue mussels, Pacific and Native oysters, Manila clams) in the UK. Focused on nutrient removal and economic benefits for sustainable aquaculture management.
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    UK Seafood Company Directory

    A directory of UK seafood businesses attending the UK Pavilion at the Japan International Seafood and Technology Expo 2023.
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