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We found 87 results for "Seafood Week Web Presentation" in Documents
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SR632_UK Shellfish Biotoxin Database Development_Summary Report 2_IPF B037
This report documents the development of a website designed to provide information which would assist scallop processors in biotoxin risk assessment. The website provides information from four reference sources: Food Standards Agency Scotland biotoxin and phytoplankton monitoring results; an industry biotoxin database; a biotoxin risk calendar and the Met Office chlorophyll map for UK waters. Each information source was presented in an easily interpreted graphical format together with a laymen’s explanation of how the reference information should be used and interpreted. In addition, online training videos were provided. -
Final Minutes DAG meeting 12 March 2014
Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 12 March 2014. -
Appraisal of the opportunity for offshore aquaculture in UK waters. Report of project FC0934, commissioned by Defra and Seafish from FRM Ltd.
The report provides an assessment of the potential for open ocean, offshore finfish aquaculture in UK waters using candidate species which would have similar growth and performance characteristics to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)and with due reference to other potential species candidates. -
Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015
Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015. -
Literature Review of the effects of underwater sound vibration and electromagnetic fields on crustaceans
This report reviews the impacts of underwater noise, vibration, and electro-magnetic fields generated by marine renewable energy devices on the behaviour, development and physiology of UK commercial crustacean species. -
2004 Survey of the UK Fish Processing Industry
Survey of the UK fish processing industry. Industry trends relating to production units, industry studture, employment numbers, supply, sales, and employment trends. The report also contains a financial analysis of the industry. -
utlook for European brown crab: Understanding brown crab production and consumption in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal
This report provides information on the production systems and consumption patterns in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. Information covers: Stocks (the geographical and ecological context for the source of brown crab – waters of the North East Atlantic concerning the UK, Rep of Ireland, France mainly). Capture production. Transport and distribution (concerning the movement of brown crab between stages of production: road, sea and air). Processing/storage (concerning receiving/preparation/preservation and packing of brown crab) Market/Sales outlet (concerning export/retail/food service/wholesale – UK, Rep of Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and external export markets). Consumption (concerning in-home and out of home consumption). Waste (concerning the collection/treatment of waste products – including packaging to landfill, incineration, recycling, or composting). -
UK Shellfish Biotoxin Database Development - Summary Report 1_IPF_B037
This report sets out the results of a consultation to scope the requirement for an on-line marine biotoxins database and website designed to be operated by the shellfish industry. From a consultee list of 560, 289 contacts were made using a combination of email and telephone calls, resulting in 41 responses – a 14% response rate. -
A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to UK aquaculture industry
This interim report is submitted to Seafish as part of the assignment titled ‘A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to the UK aquaculture industry’. The preparation of this report represents Deliverable 3 of the assignment. The structure and content of the report is based on previous agreement between the contractor and the client as presented in the inception report. The contractors seek review, comments and approval from Seafish on this interim report. -
The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2012/2013
The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2012/2013 and information on future developments. -
Seafish Annual Review of Feed Grade Fish Stocks August 2009
Annual Review of the feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market This review focuses on recent independent documentary assessments of these stocks. These are predominantly published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It covers sandeel, sprat, capelin, herring, blue whiting, Norway pout, anchovy, jack mackerel and sardine. -
Review of Fish Sustainability Information Schemes Final Report
The benefits of sustainable fisheries and the need to mitigate the environmental impacts of fishing and aquaculture are increasingly in the public consciousness. Poorly implemented, government run, command and control management schemes have often failed to curb fishing effort, prevent overfishing and avoid environmental degradation. Alternative, market based approaches have shown promise and, among these, enabling informed consumer choice in seafood purchasing can generate strong motivation for improved catching and culture practices.